Jack Whitehall

Jack Whitehall

Nacimiento : 1988-07-07, London, England, UK


Jack Whitehall is an English comedian, television presenter, actor and writer. He is best known for his stand up comedy, for starring as JP in the TV series Fresh Meat (2011–2016), and for playing Alfie Wickers in the TV series Bad Education (2012–2014) and the spin-off film The Bad Education Movie (2015), both of which he also co-wrote. He has also starred in Frozen in the role of Gothi the Troll. From 2012 to 2018, Whitehall was a regular panellist on the game show A League of Their Own. In 2017, Whitehall appeared with his father, Michael, in the Netflix comedy documentary series Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father and starred in the television series Decline and Fall. Since 2018, Whitehall has been the host of the BRIT Awards.


Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall


Jack Whitehall: Settle Down
Jack Whitehall takes the stage at London's O2 Arena to riff on dogs, drinking, dining alone, and finally deciding to settle down and become a father.
Jack Whitehall: Settle Down
Jack Whitehall takes the stage at London's O2 Arena to riff on dogs, drinking, dining alone, and finally deciding to settle down and become a father.
Bad Education - Reunion Special
Executive Producer
Class K are back for a careers day and a reunion that descends into mayhem. Meanwhile, Alfie has a decision to make – will he finally leave the school forever to be with Gulliver?
Bad Education - Reunion Special
Class K are back for a careers day and a reunion that descends into mayhem. Meanwhile, Alfie has a decision to make – will he finally leave the school forever to be with Gulliver?
Bad Education - Reunion Special
Alfie Wickers
Class K are back for a careers day and a reunion that descends into mayhem. Meanwhile, Alfie has a decision to make – will he finally leave the school forever to be with Gulliver?
Noche en el museo: El retorno de Kahmunrah
Octavius (voice)
El trabajo de verano de Nick Daley como vigilante nocturno del Museo de Historia Natural supone todo un reto para un estudiante de instituto. Afortunadamente, está siguiendo los pasos de su padre y está familiarizado con la antigua tabla que lo dota todo de vida cuando se pone el sol. Nick se alegra de ver a sus viejos amigos, entre los que se incluyen Teddy, Sacagawea y Rex. Pero cuando el malvado Kahmunrah escapa con un plan para abrir el inframundo egipcio y liberar a su Ejército de los Muertos, será Nick el que tenga que detener al demente gobernador y salvar el museo de una vez por todas.
Jonas Brothers Family Roast
"Jonas Brothers Family Roast" rinde homenaje a esa verdad universal que afirma que nadie puede sacarte tanto de quicio como tu familia. El especial brinda la oportunidad de ver imágenes insólitas de los Jonas Brothers, superestrellas mundiales multiplatino, a través de ‘sketches’, canciones, juegos e invitados especiales...
Clifford, el gran perro rojo
Cuando Emily Elizabeth conoce a un rescatador mágico de animales que le regala un pequeño cachorro rojo, nunca se hubiera imaginado que al despertarse se encontraría un sabueso gigante de tres metros en su pequeño apartamento de Nueva York. Mientras su madre soltera se encuentra de viaje de negocios, Emily y su divertido pero impulsivo tío Casey se embarcan en una gran aventura.
Jungle Cruise
McGregor Houghton
Principios del siglo XX. Frank es el carismático capitán de una peculiar embarcación que recorre la selva amazónica. Allí, a pesar de los peligros que el río Amazonas les tiene preparados, Frank llevará en su barco a la científica Lily Houghton y a su hermano McGregor Houghton. Su misión será encontrar un árbol místico que podría tener poderes curativos. Claro que su objetivo no será fácil, y en su aventura se encontrarán con toda clase de dificultades, además de una expedición alemana que busca también este árbol con propiedades curativas. Esta comedia de acción y aventuras está basada en la atracción Jungle Cruise de los parques de ocio de Disney.
The KSI Show
A once-in-a-lifetime experience featuring first-ever performances of tracks from All Over the Place, a retelling of the story of KSI, past, present and future with special guests and key characters throughout his journey and more. Let KSI take you on an adventure through his world. Get ready for thrills, laughs and lots of surprises alongside huge production value, highly stylised artistic direction, flawless tunes, costume changes, a boxing match and choreography by industry leaders Black Skull Creative.
Best of Stand-up 2020
Unnecessary milk substitutes. Bad passwords. Burlap underpants. 2020 may have sucked, but thankfully the jokes didn't.
Gary Barlow's Night At The Museum
Gary Barlow hosts musical fun from the Natural History Museum in London and performs some of his biggest hits, songs from his new album, and some exciting covers.
Jack Whitehall: I'm Only Joking
Jack Whitehall hits the stage with hilarious tales about happy couples, life in hotels, human stupidity and his well-traveled father.
Jack Whitehall: I'm Only Joking
Jack Whitehall hits the stage with hilarious tales about happy couples, life in hotels, human stupidity and his well-traveled father.
The BRITs at 40
In 2020 the BRIT Awards celebrated a massive 40th ever show. In this documentary Jack Whitehall delves into the archives to narrate an entertaining look back at over four decades of highlights from Britain’s biggest music show.
Jack Whitehall: Christmas with my Father
Executive Producer
Jack Whitehall invites his notoriously stuffy father onstage in London's West End for a Christmas comedy extravaganza, complete with celebrity guests.
Jack Whitehall: Christmas with my Father
Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall invites his notoriously stuffy father onstage in London's West End for a Christmas comedy extravaganza, complete with celebrity guests.
Corgi, las mascotas de la reina
Rex (voice)
Rex es el perrito corgi más querido por la monarca británica. En el palacio de Buckingham, Rex vive una vida de lujo. Claro que, su arrogancia puede resultar bastante irritante. Tras causar un incidente diplomático, se verá forzado a vivir como un perro callejero en las calles de Londres. Durante su épico viaje para regresar de nuevo en compañía de la reina, Rex encontrará el amor y descubrirá su verdadero yo.
El cascanueces y los cuatro reinos
Todo lo que Clara (Mackenzie Foy) quiere es una llave. Durante una fascinante fiesta de Navidad en la que todos reciben sus regalos, su padrino Drosselmeyer (Morgan Freeman) conducirá a la joven hacia esta llave única, que desaparece rápidamente en un extraño y misterioso mundo paralelo. Allí, Clara conocerá a un soldado llamado Phillip (Jayden Fowora-Knight), una pandilla de ratones y a los gobernantes que presiden los tres Reinos: El Reino de las Nieves, el Reino de las Flores, y el Reino de los Dulces. Pero existe un cuarto Reino, el hogar de la tirana Mamá Jengibre (Helen Mirren). Allí comenzaron todos los problemas de estos Reinos de fantasía, cuando Mamá Jengibre inició la guerra reuniendo a sus tropas. En un lugar donde nada es lo que parece, Clara será la única que pueda detener los planes de esta tirana.
KSI: Can't Lose
Millions tuned in to see KSI beat Joe Weller in the biggest amateur boxing match of all time. But what didn't they see? The blood, sweat and determination underpinning KSI's intense training regime and a revealing look at his world off camera. This is the exclusive and never before seen story of Knowledge, Strength and Integrity, and how JJ, with 18m YouTube subscribers, went from actor to athlete.
Jack Whitehall: At Large
Comedian Jack Whitehall takes the stage to tell stories about drinking, drugs, a Google Maps van and his ongoing rivalry with Robert Pattinson.
Jack Whitehall: At Large
Comedian Jack Whitehall takes the stage to tell stories about drinking, drugs, a Google Maps van and his ongoing rivalry with Robert Pattinson.
Jack Whitehall: At Large
Comedian Jack Whitehall takes the stage to tell stories about drinking, drugs, a Google Maps van and his ongoing rivalry with Robert Pattinson.
Miranda:  Morecambe & Wise and Me
Eric and Ernie devotee Miranda Hart celebrates the incomparable comedy duo as she takes a look back at their top twenty greatest TV moments, ranked by comedy actors and comedians.
Feliz día de la madre
Sandy (Jennifer Aniston) es una mujer recientemente divorciada que lucha por mantener la cordura cuando su ex se casa con una mujer más joven que ella; Miranda (Julia Roberts) es una presentadora estrella de una importante Cadena de TV cuya vida dará un vuelco cuando la hija que dió en adopción cuando era una adolescente venga en su búsqueda; Jesse (Kate Hudson) ama tanto a su marido que ha cortado toda relación con su racista madre sacándola de su vida completamente y ocultando a su marido debido a su raza; y Bradley (Jason Sudeikis) teme que llegue el Día de la Madre ya que será el primer año que él y sus dos hijas viven ese día desde que su esposa falleció.
The Bad Education Movie
Alfie Wickers
Mr Wickers and his class go on one final school trip after they finish their GCSEs.
The Bad Education Movie
Mr Wickers and his class go on one final school trip after they finish their GCSEs.
Astérix y la residencia de los dioses
Asterix (voice: UK version)
Estamos en el año 50 A.C. Toda la Galia está ocupada por los romanos… ¿Toda? ¡No! Una aldea poblada por irreductibles galos resiste todavía y detienen siempre al invasor. Exasperado por la situación, Julio César decide cambiar de táctica: como sus ejércitos han sido incapaces de imponerse por la fuerza, será la misma civilización romana la que se encargará de seducir a los bárbaros galos. Para ello, ordenará construir al lado de la aldea una lujosa residencia para romanos: “la residencia de los Dioses”. ¿Podrán nuestros amigos galos resistirse a la tentación del dinero y el confort romano? ¿La aldea se convertirá en una simple atracción turística? Astérix y Obélix tendrán que esforzarse para frustrar los planes del César.
Jack Whitehall: Gets Around
British Comedy Award-Winning ‘King of Comedy’ Jack Whitehall confirms his status as one of the UK’s hottest comedy talents in his all new live stand-up show, Jack Whitehall Gets Around, filmed at the end of his March 2014 tour in front of a capacity crowd at Wembley Arena. Featuring over 90 minutes of new material performed in a unique ‘in the round’ setting on a circular stage at the centre of the arena, a UK first for a solo stand-up tour, this is Jack’s most ambitious live show to date.
Jack Whitehall: Gets Around
British Comedy Award-Winning ‘King of Comedy’ Jack Whitehall confirms his status as one of the UK’s hottest comedy talents in his all new live stand-up show, Jack Whitehall Gets Around, filmed at the end of his March 2014 tour in front of a capacity crowd at Wembley Arena. Featuring over 90 minutes of new material performed in a unique ‘in the round’ setting on a circular stage at the centre of the arena, a UK first for a solo stand-up tour, this is Jack’s most ambitious live show to date.
Frozen: El reino del hielo
Gothi - Troll Priest (voice, uncredited)
Cuando una profecía condena a un reino a un invierno eterno, Anna, una joven optimista se une a un temerario montañero llamado Kristoff y a su compinche el reno Sven. Juntos emprenden un viaje épico en busca de Elsa, hermana de Anna y Reina de las Nieves para poner fin al gélido hechizo.
Jack Whitehall: Live
This highly anticipated debut stand-up DVD sees triple British Comedy Award nominee Jack Whitehall at his high energy, laugh-out-loud best. From dates at Nando's to lads' holidays in Magaluf, British customer service etiquette to having sex at his parents' house. Jack dances from one story to another, effortlessly extracting the humour from every situation. With sell-out national tours, nominations at the British Comedy Awards and the Edinburgh Comedy Awards for his stand-up, much-lauded appearances on The Royal Variety Performance and Live At The Apollo, and his recent acclaimed roles in Fresh Meat and the self-penned Bad Education, Jack Whitehall is one of the UK's brightest comedy stars.
Jack Whitehall: Live
This highly anticipated debut stand-up DVD sees triple British Comedy Award nominee Jack Whitehall at his high energy, laugh-out-loud best. From dates at Nando's to lads' holidays in Magaluf, British customer service etiquette to having sex at his parents' house. Jack dances from one story to another, effortlessly extracting the humour from every situation. With sell-out national tours, nominations at the British Comedy Awards and the Edinburgh Comedy Awards for his stand-up, much-lauded appearances on The Royal Variety Performance and Live At The Apollo, and his recent acclaimed roles in Fresh Meat and the self-penned Bad Education, Jack Whitehall is one of the UK's brightest comedy stars.
The Secret Policeman's Ball
A live stand-up comedy and music gig to celebrate Amnesty International's 50th Anniversary.
Bertie and Elizabeth
Little Boy (uncredited)
The duke of York, nicknamed Bertie, was born as royal 'spare heir', younger brother to the prince of Wales, and thus expected to spend a relatively private life with his Scottish wife Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon and their daughters, in the shadow of their reigning father, George V, and next that of his elder brother who succeeded to the British throne as Edward VIII. However Edward decides to put his love for a divorced American, Wallis Simpson, above dynastic duty, and ends up abdicating the throne, which now falls to Bertie, who reigns as George VI.
A womanizer, Charles and a gold digger, Elaine, trick people into relationships with illegal robot doubles of themselves. When they unwittingly use this scam on each other, their robot doubles fall in love and elope, forcing Charles and Elaine to team up to hunt them down before the authorities discover their secret.
Silent Retreat
The story centers on a man and woman with relationship issues who decide to go on a meditation retreat that requires absolute silence for three days along with the man's best friend and recently widowed mother.