Lady in Red
In 1934, J. Edgar Hoover and the boys made headlines for mowing down John Dillinger in a hail of bullets outside Chicago's Biograph theater. But in fact, according to this Jon Purdy gangster thriller, the Feds iced Dillinger's brother. Fast-forward five years, when mobster kingpin Al Capone (F. Murray Abraham) gives the real Dillinger (Martin Sheen) an offer he can't refuse: rob millions from a secluded vault or watch his wife and child get whacked.
Breast Implant Patient
Dr Mark Sloan cannot believe that his former student Dr Drummond, an ambitious cosmetic surgeon, has committed suicide. Assisted by his team of hobby detectives, pathologist Amanda Bentley and junior doctor Jack Parker, Sloan tries to investigate the case. He finds out that Drummond and his senior partner, Dr Stern, had used plastic surgery to create a double of rich banker and benefactor Gantry, who is expected to make a major donation to the community hospital. Does Gantry also plan to have his double assassinated in order to vanish with the money himself?
Nancy Mercer
Tras sufrir un grave accidente de tráfico, Dan Merrick padece amnesia y no es capaz de recordar nada de su pasado. Ni siquiera se acuerda de su esposa Judith, que se esfuerza por ayudarlo a superar la situación. Sin embargo, Dan se muestra tan suspicaz que llega a sospechar que todos los que lo rodean están implicados en una oscura trama. Por esta razón, decide contratar a un investigador privado para que le ayude a desentrañar el enigma.
A Mercenary Gold la CIA le encarga que secuestre a Braun, un cubano experto en láser, antes de que lo capture la KGB. Hace poco ha sido robado un gran diamante, que Braun, gracias a sus conocimientos, podría utilizar para construir un cañón láser que le permitiría tener un gran poder sobre el mundo.
Bea Haven
A story of the famous pianist and entertainer, Liberace.