Alida Baldari Calabria


The Order of Time
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
La clásica historia de terror
Unos viajeros quedan atrapados en un bosque del sur de Italia, donde deben luchar desesperadamente para salir con vida de allí.
Fata turchina bambina
En esta adaptación en vivo del amado cuento de hadas, el viejo tallador de madera Geppetto da forma a un títere de madera, Pinocho, que mágicamente cobra vida. Pinocho anhela la aventura y se extravía fácilmente, encontrándose con bestias mágicas, espectáculos fantásticos, mientras hace amigos y enemigos a lo largo de su viaje. Sin embargo, su sueño es convertirse en un niño de verdad, lo que solo puede hacerse realidad si finalmente cambia de rumbo.
The Dog Snatch
On their first day of work as dog sitters, Rana and Marti suffer the theft of the French bulldog who was entrusted to their care by a wealthy lady. A fast-paced comedy full of hair-raising situations with cult potential that has plenty of surprises in store. The very own world of the Roman suburbs, which is rarely honored in cinemas, is also captured convincingly.
Look Up
During a break on a rooftop, Teco, a young baker, notices the intriguing fall of a strange bird. He decides to venture to the next roof to have a closer look. This is only the beginning of a most unbelievable journey on the labyrinthine rooftops of Roma.
Marcello, un pequeño y apacible peluquero de perros, se encuentra involucrado en una peligrosa relación de subyugación con Simone, un ex boxeador violento que aterroriza a todo el vecindario. En un esfuerzo por reafirmar su dignidad, Marcello se someterá a un inesperado acto de venganza.