Candide is a comic operetta written by Leonard Bernstein in 1956. The story is based on a novella by Voltaire, a satire about a man named Candide and his journey to becoming much more world weary. Recorded live at the Teatro Argentina, Rome.
Concierto de la opereta "Candide" de Leonard Bernstein en el Barbican Center de Londer.
The legendary Harold Prince directs Bernstein's perennial favorite Candide, which premiered at New York City Opera under his direction in 1982 and became a staple of the company's repertoire.
The legendary Harold Prince directs Bernstein's perennial favorite Candide, which premiered at New York City Opera under his direction in 1982 and became a staple of the company's repertoire.
Joe es un jugador profesional que se debate entre dos amores. En el suburbio en el que reside vive una bella mujer por la que se siente tentado. Mientras, su mujer sufre en silencio una existencia llena de desengaños.