Yu Jieh Show


Danger of the Wedding
Lighting Technician
Yu Ping comes to Hong Kong in search of the murder who killed her father. She sings in a nightclub and meanwhile hires detective to track down the killer. On the stage, Yu Ping deeply fascinates Black Dragon, but she has a liking for the man next to him, with the name of Ox. They start to fall in love with each other. In an incident, Black Dragon is killed. Black Dragon’s sister and Ox denounce to avenge him.
Bewitched Area of Thousand Years
Lighting Technician
A snake god, prisoner in a cave since thousand years, takes possession of a man and transforms his arm in a snake. Under this form, the man rapes and kills women. Twenty years later, the man bites his own daughter, who is also transformed. With the help of her fiance, of another man who wants to marry her, and a sorcerer, she tries to struggle against the malevolent snake god.
Gambler's War
Lighting Technician
A rich young woman's world collapses in one night, when her apparently respectable businessman father is killed by gangsters, who turn out to be former members of his gang.