Charles Keating

Charles Keating

Nacimiento : 1923-12-04, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 2014-03-31


Charles Humphrey Keating Jr., was an American sportsman, lawyer, real estate developer, banker, financier, conservative activist, and convicted felon best known for his role in the savings and loan scandal of the late 1980s. From the late 1950s through the 1970s, he was a noted anti-pornography activist, founding the organization Citizens for Decent Literature and serving as a member on the 1969 President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography.


Charles Keating


Dentro de garganta profunda (Inside Deep Throat)
En 1972 se estrenó una película que convulsionó la realidad social estadounidense: Garganta Profunda. Estrenada en el mismo momento en que los movimientos nacionales para la liberación sexual, la igualdad de derechos y los valores contraculturales estaban alcanzando su punto álgido, esta película sexualmente explícita se convirtió inesperadamente en el epicentro de una tormenta social y política sin precedentes. El gobierno de Nixon y el FBI iniciaron una cruzada contra la película y sus creadores. Inside Deep Throat (Dentro de Garganta Profunda) es un documental en el que los directores Randy Barbato y Fenton Bailey nos proponen un viaje a los años 70, a la situación social, cultural y política de los norteamericanos, y al intenso impacto que provocó una película pornográfica, cuyo título llegó incluso a servir de referente al escándalo de Watergate que acabó costando la presidencia a Nixon.
Perversion for Profit
Centered around a vehement diatribe against pornography delivered by news reporter George Putnam, the film attempts to link explicit portrayals of human sexuality to the subversion and decline of American civilization, and briefly draws a parallel between pornography and Communist infiltration. Perversion for Profit illustrates its claims with still images taken from various softcore pornography magazines of the period-- though, 'sensitive' parts of the human anatomy have been obscured by colored bars. The film is in the public domain, and has become a popular download from the Prelinger Archives.