A young woman is kidnapped and inducted into a bizarre family as their new surrogate daughter. As she navigates through this twisted dynamic, awful secrets about the past are revealed, leading to even darker implications about the future.
A young woman is kidnapped and inducted into a bizarre family as their new surrogate daughter. As she navigates through this twisted dynamic, awful secrets about the past are revealed, leading to even darker implications about the future.
A young woman is kidnapped and inducted into a bizarre family as their new surrogate daughter. As she navigates through this twisted dynamic, awful secrets about the past are revealed, leading to even darker implications about the future.
A young woman is kidnapped and inducted into a bizarre family as their new surrogate daughter. As she navigates through this twisted dynamic, awful secrets about the past are revealed, leading to even darker implications about the future.
Lo mejor de todo comprender las finezas de las relaciones personales entonces, cuando esto pasa a lo lejos de las miradas extrañas. Por eso dos pares han ido a pasar algún período del tiempo en la estructura lejana, más allá de los bienes de la civilización. Pero la vecina inquieta, cerca de que se ha roto el automóvil, aporta la inquietud innecesaria en el idilio futuro. ¿Que sorpresas esperan a los invitados no invitados en estos lugares?
Dos hermanos puertorriqueños, Ralphi Matas (Jorge Burgos) y Junior (Gilbert Saldivar), que fueron una vez los mejores bailarines latinos de Harlem y maestros de la salsa, se separaron tras una tragedia, pero años después vuelven a encontrarse, enfrentados en lados opuestos de un problema de gentrificación del barrio.