C. Robert Holloway


Two Soldiers
Production Design
Set during WWII, a young boy wants to join his brother in the "war at Pearl Harbour".
One Christmas
Production Design
Based on Truman Capote's bittersweet tale of a young boy's adventures with the father he's never known in New Orleans in the 1930s..
French Silk
Production Design
Television movie about the murder of a televangelist, and the fashion company owner accused of the crime.
A Taste for Killing
Production Design
Two college students get a summer job on an offshore oil rig. They are soon approached by a co-worker who had earlier befriended them, and who now tries to draw them into a plot to murder the rig's crew chief.
The Broken Cord
Production Design
Un joven de Lakota llamado Adam es adoptado por David Norwell, de 26 años. A Norwell se le dice que Adam podría tener retraso mental, pero Norwell cree que el niño tendrá éxito en un ambiente amoroso. Tiene que lidiar con los problemas de criar a un niño con necesidades especiales, como tener que cuidar a un niño que tiene todo, desde problemas para ir al baño hasta convulsiones. Después del descubrimiento de una lesión en el cerebro de Adam, más tarde se dio cuenta de que Adam no tiene una discapacidad de aprendizaje como se creía anteriormente, sino más bien el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal.
The Parade
Associate Producer
When her estranged, drifter husband Matt returns after spending seven years in prison to ask her to let him be a part of her life again, Rachel Kirby's life is thrown into turmoil, which also affects her teenage daughter and mother.
The Killing of Randy Webster
Location Manager
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.