Mark Krenik

Mark Krenik


Mark Krenik was born to parents Bob and Rose and is the second oldest of 5 boys and one girl. A country boy, he grew up with a chainsaw in one hand and a gun in the other. Being the crazy "Shark", Northern California just seemed to small for him. At the young age of 19, Mark decided to join the United States Navy where there would be adventure around every corner. He served proudly for 6 yrs. During his service, he visited 35 Countries and was exceeding the training to become Americas finest war machine, a Navy Seal. In the Active Reserves and working three other jobs, Thyssen Steel, Model for Body Glove, Head Bouncer at El Paso Cantina, and earning extra money by Dancing against the Chippendales, Mark breathed his last one night at the age of twenty-five. Cardiac arrest. In the Veterans Hospital on his deathbed, Mark called out to GOD for a second chance. Doctors in bewilderment stepped back as Mark got up from his deathbed. Military and civilian tests concluded he was as strong as a Horse. Mark felt a higher calling and left the Military as a Decorated Veteran. He quit every job sold his house and moved to East LA. He appreciated that God had given him a second chance at life. He lived in a basement at a Church. On the streets, he made friends with the gangs and they trusted him. gang violence had dropped considerably in the local neighborhoods and some of the gang members were going to Church. His life started as an ACTOR when he was asked to do several plays for the local Churches. He is passionate about acting and directors have asked him to come back several times for other projects as well. He is a team player who comes to set giving 200%. He treats every project like it is a blockbuster.


Mark Krenik
Mark Krenik


No Name and Dynamite
Wild Bill
No Name and Dynamite es el cariñoso homenaje del director Errol Sacks al Spaghetti Western. Dynamite Davenport (Rich Ting) y su compañero No Name (Chris Northup) son cazarrecompensas en el Viejo Oeste americano. Se cruzan con la tripulación de Black Jack Bennett (Vernon Wells). Sobreviene la violencia…
La purga infinita
NFFA Soldier (uncredited)
Para los miembros de un movimiento clandestino, ya no es suficiente una noche anual de anarquía y asesinatos, así que deciden devolver a Estados Unidos el caos y las masacres sin fin, donde nadie volverá a estar a salvo... jamás. Adela y su esposo Juan viven en Texas, donde él trabaja como peón en un rancho para la adinerada familia Tucker. En la mañana después de la tradicional purga, una banda de asesinos enmascarados ataca violenta e ilegalmente a la familia Tucker. Tras este hecho, la familia texana se ve obligada a unirse con Juan y su esposa para enfrentar un país entero a punto de colapsar, que se hunde en un mar de caos y de sangre. Quinta y última entrega de la saga 'The Purge'.
Hitter Twist
A genius, seventeen-year-old drug dealer/musician comes to realize that the 'victimless crime' of helping his friends get high has connected him with vicious mobsters and ruthless thieves. He and his girlfriend, a diamond smuggling model, go straight and attempt to pay it forward with motivational speeches, mentorship and altruism. All hell breaks loose when they are drawn back into the criminal world.
Armado solamente con una palabra, Tenet, el protagonista deberá luchar por la supervivencia del mundo entero y evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una historia de espionaje internacional. La misión se desplegará más allá del tiempo real. No son viajes en el tiempo, es inversión.
Redd's Friend
An action-packed romance Americana western epic adventure about an egg's epic Hollywood journey from farm to table.
SWAT Tactical Technical Adviser / Props Provider
Durante un viaje de caza en el desierto aislado, un padre y su hijo adolescente adoptado se convierten en presa de asaltantes desconocidos. Un extraño se une a ellos en su lucha por la supervivencia y revela la inquietante verdad sobre el padre biológico del hijo, un señor del crimen internacional, y por qué ese señor del crimen ha enviado asesinos entrenados para matar al adolescente.
The Message
Bailiff Robertson
After a tragedy, Sophie attends a summer camp where she encounters some camp bullies. But when Sophie joins the archery team, the girls form a tight squad led by their coach Percy. Along the way, Percy also helps Sophie come to terms with the loss of her mother, in an unexpected and magical way.
Le Mans '66
Shelby Pit Smokey
Se centra en un excéntrico y decidido equipo americano de ingenieros y diseñadores liderados por el visionario automovilístico Carroll Shelby y su conductor británico Ken Miles. Henry Ford II y Lee Iacocca les dan la misión de construir desde cero un nuevo automóvil con el fin de derrocar el dominio de Ferrari en el Campeonato del Mundo de Le Mans de 1966.
Die for a Dollar
A young American real estate agent of Middle Eastern descent is framed by his co-workers in the wake of the September 11 attacks and sent to prison at Guantanamo Bay. Thirteen years later, he returns to Los Angeles under a false identity to exact revenge.
Blood Tulips
John 2
A woman travels to Holland in search of her missing sister who may have been forced into prostitution in the infamous Red Light District of Amsterdam. Ever wondered what would happen if John Waters went to the Netherlands to make a giallo? Wonder no more!
El vecindario
Tras dejar atrás un doloroso pasado en el que luchó por tratar de cumplir sus sueños, Sarah (Nicole Brydon Bloom) se instala en el apartamento de Hollywood perfecto. Sin embargo, algo no cuadra. Incapaz de dormir, una serie de extraños sonidos la atormentan por la noche. Pronto comienza a recibir amenazas por escrito de procedencia desconocida, lo que le lleva a sumirse en una depresión. Cuando descubre cuál es la verdad que se esconde tras estos acontecimientos, ya es demasiado tarde. Sólo le queda una posibilidad: luchar para mantener la cordura... o perderse para siempre en un infierno existencial.
MMA Scout Twinks
A young girl meets a MMA coach and they quickly form a bond based on their mutual struggles with their own addictions.
Roads, Trees and Honey Bees
Music Manager
A man travels across the country to care for his dementia-ridden father. Joined by his sister and an aspiring musician, he learns that unexpected turns can lead to a better life.
Rusty Tulloch
Deputy Snipes
Rusty, a broke trucker facing eviction agrees to help his sexy neighbor track down her husband's murderer, but he must overcome the ghosts of his past if he's going to do the job.
Street Dreams Los Angeles
Masked Conner
An undercover cop from the streets of Los Angeles must overcome the opposition to land his dream of becoming a counterintelligence agent in the FBI.
The Art of Murder
Zach Cogan
Cuando la asistente de la galería de arte, Kate Miller, se encuentra con el heredero de una propiedad en decadencia, se topa con una obra maestra previamente no descubierta, y se ve empujada al mundo de subastas de alto valor del arte invaluable. Pero esos altos riesgos se vuelven mortales cuando la integridad y la autenticidad de la pintura se ponen en tela de juicio. Kate y la galería pronto descubren que están atrapados en medio de una conspiración de un millón de dólares. A medida que se cierra la fecha de la subasta, Kate se encuentra en peligro mortal cuando un acosador desesperado no se detendrá ante nada para evitar que la verdad salga a la luz.
Mundo: From Altar Boy to Hitman
Correction Officer
Based on the true story of ex-Mexican Mafia member Ramon "Machine Gun Mundo" Mendoza.
The Lost
A nighttime protest downtown has escalated to require police backup for crowd control. As cop partners and a hobbyist photographer arrive late to the scene, an altercation takes place -- but what occurred depends on whose perspective you see.
Border Patrol Officer #1
Rico emigró ilegalmente con su madre para escapar del peligroso mundo de las drogas, pero cuando su madre contrae cáncer, debe volver a sumergirse en ese mundo para pagar su tratamiento.
The Grey Area
This Twilight Zone(ish) movie is compiled of six short episodes that feature a salesman stranded in purgatory, a time-traveling train, and a cowboy who can't tell reality from his drunken imagination.