Robert Dawson

Robert Dawson


Robert Dawson


Creators: The Past
Where do we come from and where do we go ? The eternal question of humanity which religions have tried to answer over the centuries - lt's the end of the year 2012. The Universe is about to undergo an imposing planetary alignment and a Total Eclipse will soon be upon Planet Earth. Great vibrational changes are imminent and set to disturb us. The eight members of the Galactic Council, led by Lord Ogmha (William Shatner), meet to discuss the effects of the imminent alignment. They are 8 creators (aliens) and each one of them governs a Planet. They are each responsible for the security and well-being of a 'LENS'. Together they balance the conflict and allegiance of the Universe. Treason puts Earth in danger and the LENS, the hard disc (crystal core) containing the recording of the entire history, DNA, memories and nucleus of mankind is hidden somewhere in Italy. Everyone is searching for it. If the Lens is opened and in the wrong hands it could reveal to the human beings the shocking
I delitti del BarLume - Il battesimo di Ampelio
Miami Beach
Miami is one of the most sought by young Italians. It is there, in fact, is going to study at university Luca, a Roman, the son of John and Valentina, Milan, daughter Olivia. During the plane trip from Rome to Miami, Olivia and John argue furiously.
Coco Chanel
Lord Fry
COCO CHANEL comienza con el icono de la moda (hábilmente interpretada por Shirley MacLaine) en sus años crepusculares, llena de riqueza y fama, creando aún diseños innovadores. Desde aquí, el biopic vuelve la mirada a sus años de formación en un orfanato y traza su ruta hacia la fama serpenteando entre pobreza, guerras, romances prohibidos y glamorosas traiciones.
The Sun
General Douglas MacArthur
Biographical film depicting Japanese Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) during the final days of World War II. The film is the third drama in director Aleksandr Sokurov's trilogy, which included Taurus about the Soviet Union's Vladimir Lenin and Moloch about Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler.
Indiscretion of an American Wife
Josh Denton
An American diplomat's wife meets an Italian vintner at an embassy soirée. He sees her as more than just her "husband's hostess". Her husband has been so focused on advancing his career that he has forgotten how to see her as a woman, which the Italian reminds her that she is.
Mutantes en la universidad 2
Nukemama Corporation reabre sus instalaciones y construye una nueva universidad. Allí los experimentos de la profesara Hold con el genoma humano dan lugar a la creación de los subhumanoides, una raza mutante al servicio del hombre, pero el experimento no sale tan bien como lo esperado.
Who Gets the Friends?
Neat and interesting story about a couple being divorced. It is easy to split all the things they've bought, but the real question is: Who gets the friends?
Los pacientes de un psiquiatra en apuros
Man at Party
Como el célebre terapeuta sexual George Maitlin sufre una crisis nerviosa necesita urgentemente un psiquiatra que lo sustituya en su programa de radio. Por su parte, John Burns, que necesita una nueva identidad, pues se ha fugado del centro psiquiátrico de la prisión de Cicero, ocupa el puesto de Maitlin en y obtiene un éxito insospechado con sus descabellados consejos.