Antonio Acampora


Stregati dalla luna
Dario and Carlo are the owners of a small restaurant organizing a wedding. Everything goes awry after Miria confesses a fling to her fiance.
Sweet Idleness
This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Beyle, is living the life of a wanderer, looking for a direction in his life, meeting famous Rossini and falling in love with young widow Giuseppina. A story of love, betrayal and an analysis of women and men's minds and souls.
La última noche (The Last Night)
Hooligan (uncredited)
Relata varias historias que transcurren en Roma durante una noche de fin de año. Infidelidades, gígolos, ladrones interrumpiendo una sesión masoquista de un dominatrix y un abogado, intentos de suicidio y otras historias.