Lee Joong-ok

Lee Joong-ok


Lee Joong-ok
Lee Joong-ok


Come Back Home
Gi-se is a failed comedian and estranged son of a mob boss who left his hometown for the city years ago. After his father’s death, his gag show shuts down and he becomes jobless overnight. He decides to return to his hometown, where he meets his old friends and first love Young-shim. He tries to find his place to belong and dreams of a new life. But soon things change radically and he finds himself inheriting his father’s position as a local crime boss that leads him to face the truth about his father’s death.
Dowoo runs an old motel – adjacent to a lake with thousands of Korean War victims at its bottom – as well as caring for his mother who has dementia. One wintry day she disappears without a trace. In her stead, a cute little dog appears. Everyone helps kind-hearted, somewhat shy Dowoo search for her. However, when his mother isn’t found, rumours arise that he may have killed her. Has he started having doubts himself? It doesn’t help that he swallowed her tranquillisers on the day she went missing, and can’t remember a thing.
Police Officer
Caught up in anxiety, eight-year-old Chul in school tells his teacher that he is going to the bathroom but runs straight home.
Stellar: A Magical Ride
A comic and heartwarming drama about a man who gradually comes to term with his late father while on the run in his father's wacky beat-up car, "Stellar".
Feliz Año Nuevo
Managing Director of Hotel Emros
A romantic comedy of a young man and woman that is told in the background of hotel 'Emross'. It has stories of people who met each other at Hotel Emross during the New Year holidays. Each one has his own memory to relate and create relationships or just going nostalgic.
La maldición: El despertar de los muertos
Cheon Ju-bong
Un misterioso caso de asesinatos en serie tiene lugar por jaechaui (cadáveres que se han levantado de entre los muertos y pueden hablar). Pero estos cuerpos son manipulados por alguien.
Stone Skipping
Intellectually handicapped Seokku lives in the countryside, and befriends Eunji, a teenaged runaway looking for her father. When Seokku is involved in a crime, the conflict between a Catholic priest defending him and a shelter adviser convinced of Seokku’s guilt intensifies.
Hitman: Agent Jun
Workman (uncredited)
Mientras está muy borracho, un escritor de cómics sin éxito dibuja un cómic sobre su vida como un ex asesino a sueldo de NIS, y se encuentra con problemas cuando se publica en línea.
Trabajo extremo
Una comedia sobre un escuadrón de anti-drogas que compra un restaurante de pollo para acabar con un anillo de drogas.
The Drug King
Yoon Kang-sik
Cuando es liberado, Lee Doo-Sam se lanza al negocio de la fabricación y distribución de metanfetamina. En una fiesta, se encuentra con el cabildero Kim Jung-A ( Bae Doo-Na ) que tiene conexiones con personas poderosas. Kim Jung-A se une a la empresa comercial de Lee Doo-Sam. Lee Doo-Sam obtiene ganancias increíbles, pero se inquieta y se vuelve adicto a la metanfetamina.
Jong Soo es un trabajador a tiempo parcial, un día se encuentra con Hae Mi mientras hace una entrega, ellos solían vivir en el mismo vecindario. Hae Mi le pide que cuide de su gato mientras ella está en un viaje a África. Cuando Hae Mi regresa, ella le presenta a Jong Soo a un hombre misterioso que conoció en África, Ben. Después de algunos días Ben y Hae Mi visitan a Jong Soo y le confiesan su pasatiempo secreto.
Train to Busan
Un virus letal se expande por Corea del Sur, provocando violentos altercados. Los pasajeros de un tren KTX que viaja de Seúl a Busan tendrán que luchar por su supervivencia.