Bertil y Ruth son una joven pareja que atraviesa una crisis matrimonial. Mientras recorren en tren una Alemania asolada por la guerra, reflexionan sobre el fracaso de su vida en común. Ruth se muestra agresiva y expresa un enorme rencor hacia los hombres y, especialmente, hacia el padre que abusó de ella. Bertil es más razonable, aunque ha vivido una aventura que terminó con el suicidio de una mujer.
"Our Lord goes on vacation" - Mr. Schwartz and Mr. White looks like ordinary people but are actually supernaturals. Schwartz is emitted by the Devil to spread evil among the people and the White of God to spread goodness.
"Our Lord goes on vacation" - Mr. Schwartz and Mr. White looks like ordinary people but are actually supernaturals. Schwartz is emitted by the Devil to spread evil among the people and the White of God to spread goodness.
Land owner Bill Bärnfelt sees a beautiful woman when he is out riding and immediately falls in love. But then his former fiancee turns up and makes a fuss.