Action Director
One day, Mio (Yume Nikaido) learns that her older sister, Tetsuko (Moe Tenshi), has been using the "Hadaka-ken" technique to protect the family home all by herself. After witnessing Tetsuko's failure to use the "Hadaka-ken" against a powerful opponent, Mio decides to learn the "Hadaka-ken" herself and fight. Will Mio be able to avenge Tetsuko's death?
Action Director
Akira (Mako Komaki) was helped by Tetsuko (Moe Amatsuka), a user of "Hadakaken", who was attacked by the vigilantism. She tries to learn "Hadaka Fist" to help her captive boyfriend, but it is a fist method that causes the other party to die by sexual intercourse. Using "Hadakaken" means losing her virginity. Should I protect my boyfriend (loved one) or virgin (virgin)? What is the too sad conclusion of the maiden who is shaken by the conflict?
In the near future, the economy has collapsed and the country has turned into a ghetto. A secret agency, Gokuraku, has been created by the government. Secret agents Aya and Chinatsu's mission is to fight against one of the largest international companies, Kuroda Group. Secret agents are called 'Lady Ninja', and they use a traditional Japanese umbrella-like tool called 'sangoku' to defeat evil.
Kenji vive en Tokio, donde trabaja para mandar dinero a su hermana Mayumi, que se trasladó a Los Ángeles con la idea de convertirse en actriz. Tras varias semanas sin tener noticias de ella, Kenji viaja a Estados Unidos con la intención de encontrar a Mayumi, que ha sido capturada por una secta. Lo que los fanáticos no saben es que Kenji quiere mucho a su hermanita... y que es un maestro del kárate.
En un futuro alternativo donde se prohibieron las armas, empiezan a llegar invasores de un mundo paralelo, infiltrándose en altos cargos de la sociedad.
Diez años después, la invasión la descubre un grupo de élite formado por cuatro asesinas conocidas como las Danger Dolls. Arisa (Rumi Hanai), Rei (Rina Takeda), Mari (Nana Seino) y Miki (Kayano)