Winnie Cheung


Folk Horror: Bosques sombríos y días de embrujo
Una descripción y disección completa del súbgenero del "terror popular", con aportaciones de los principales creadores de cine de todo el mundo.
Folk Horror: Bosques sombríos y días de embrujo
Una descripción y disección completa del súbgenero del "terror popular", con aportaciones de los principales creadores de cine de todo el mundo.
Scare Package
Scare Package ofrece un vertiginoso viaje por todos los subgéneros del terror, en el que distintos talentos del fantástico más independiente se van pasando la pelota a la caza de gags sanguinolentos, desde mutaciones purulentas hasta toda clase de slashers improbables. 8 directores. 8 historias divertidas de terror.
A woman's night out with her new boyfriend takes an unexpected turn.
Albatross Soup
Delightfully fluid animation lyrically complements a chorus of voices attempting to investigate a puzzling suicide posited by an idiosyncratic riddle.
Albatross Soup
Delightfully fluid animation lyrically complements a chorus of voices attempting to investigate a puzzling suicide posited by an idiosyncratic riddle.
Dear Lucas
A directionless young man finds the love of his life, and suddenly his whole world seems to make sense. But a message from his future self warns him to stay away to avoid a lifetime of pain and misery-- will the love he's found be worth it?
Cursed Videotape
An interpretation of the cursed videotape from Ringu, created as part of a promotion for Shudder's release of Sadako vs. Kayako. Shot on VHS over an old Buns of Steel 3 tape. And yes, after you watch this, you will die in 7 days.
Parched Dreams
A few twisted characters who, beyond their knowing, have stepped out of society into a sub-hallucinogenic alternate realm. In this strange land, a godforsaken housewife attempts to woo her dull lover, a deranged genie wreaks havoc, and an alien haunts a woman's nightmares.