En 2018, el asesino de Golden State, el mayor asesino en serie estadounidense del siglo XX es detenido. Pasó desapercibido durante 40 años. Para encontrarlo estudiaron los datos genéticos de millones de estadounidenses, almacenados en enormes bases de datos de ADN.
While in 2019, 150 women were killed by their spouse or their ex-companion in France, the journalists of Le Monde created an investigation unit within their editorial staff to decipher these feminicides. With methodology, they highlighted a recurrent criminal pattern and characterized the signals that led to the murders of these women. Through the testimonies of the entourage of the victims and the institutions, this film analyzes five emblematic cases of feminicides and traces the evolution of the romantic relationship from the meeting to the murder. This documentary warns of the collective blindness of society in the hope of causing global awareness.
While in 2019, 150 women were killed by their spouse or their ex-companion in France, the journalists of Le Monde created an investigation unit within their editorial staff to decipher these feminicides. With methodology, they highlighted a recurrent criminal pattern and characterized the signals that led to the murders of these women. Through the testimonies of the entourage of the victims and the institutions, this film analyzes five emblematic cases of feminicides and traces the evolution of the romantic relationship from the meeting to the murder. This documentary warns of the collective blindness of society in the hope of causing global awareness.
Have you ever dreamed of surfing in the sky? To experience this ultimate sensation of freedom and limitless movement? The Flying Frenchies did it. Surf the Line is an immersive documentary that tells the behind the scenes story of a wild and crazy project, which required two years of preparation, complex calculations, the creation of a kilometer-long cable and a custom surfboard to the delight of our imagination. In order to live this extraordinary adventure, it was necessary to overcome the most difficult tests of life, self doubt, and engage in deep reflection. Extreme sports, buffoonery, genuine inventions and a lifestyle close to nature: plunge into the extreme and bohemian universe of the Flying Frenchies.
What happened in Rwanda in 1994 was not simply the spontaneous eruption of inter-ethnic hatred. It was planned genocide, on an industrial scale. Something that was prepared for at least a year in advance. Lists were made. Weapons were collected. RTLM radio spent months conditioning their audience to believe that one sector of their population represented a threat.
First Assistant Director
After he has seduced Claudia, Gabriel is concerned when she mysteriously disappears. Is she stricken with guilt? Is she ashamed that she gave in too easily to him? When he finds her again, he refuses to accept the fact that he must share her with another man. A woman’s vengeance can be a terrible thing, as Gabriel soon discovers...
After he has seduced Claudia, Gabriel is concerned when she mysteriously disappears. Is she stricken with guilt? Is she ashamed that she gave in too easily to him? When he finds her again, he refuses to accept the fact that he must share her with another man. A woman’s vengeance can be a terrible thing, as Gabriel soon discovers...