Ahmed Khalil

Ahmed Khalil

Nacimiento : 1941-01-15, Egypt

Muerte : 2021-11-10


Ahmad Muhammad Ibraheem Khaleel joined “Al-habeeb” Institute after finishing his studies at the High Institute of Cinema in 1965. Played stage roles like ”Khaadem sayyedayn i.e. A servant for two masters”, “Yasseen we Baheyya i.e. Yasseen and Baheyya” and “Hobb taht al-heraassa i.e. An under guard love”. In 1970’s, Khaleel travelled to a Gulf country and did not show as an actor then returned heavily to TV in “Yamout al-zammar i.e. Piper dies”, “Hadeeth al-sabaah wal-massaa i.e. Morning and night talk”, “Zaman Alaa al-Deen i.e. The time of Alaa al-Deen”, “Bawwaabet al-Halawaany i.e. Halawaany’s gate” and “Al-forsaan i.e. The knights”. Participated in Haany Lasheen’s film “Al-aragoz i.e. The puppeteer” along with superstar Omar Sharif and among his important roles in cinema; Shaady Abdul Salaam’s “Al-momiaa i.e. The mummy”, Aatef al-Tayyeb’s “Katibat al-e’daam i.e. Execution troop” & “Dedd al-hokouma i.e. Anti-government” and Muhammad Faadel’s “Naaser 56” and “Kawkab al-shark i.e. Orient Star”. Ahmad Khaleel played different successful roles in TV yet he did not make the same success in cinema.


Ahmed Khalil


A Stroll Down Sunflower Lane
An old grandfather, a little granddaughter, an old house and some glimpses of memory. She was growing up building hers. He was getting old losing his.
Mission Istaanbul
Osama Bin Laden
A news reporter must uncover the secret on the 13th floor of a News Station.
Star of the East
The film presents a part of the biography of legendary artist Umm Kulthum since 1944, shedding light on her unfinished romance like her relationship with King Sharif Sabri's uncle, and Ahmed Rami. And her role in the revolution of 1952 and after the defeat of 1967 and the sacrifices she made.
Sweet Killing
An estimable lawyer is assigned a case where a wealthy businesswoman is accused of murder. When the lawyer sides with the convicted woman whom she learns is innocent, the actual culprits track her down in an attempt to ruin her life.
Cómo pez en el agua
Prince Ahmed
Dos jóvenes se ganan la vida practicando toda clase de estafas, tarea para la que se muestran muy habilidosos. Mientras uno es un perfecto charlatán, el otro es capaz de inventar todo tipo de artilugios. Pretenden reunir un millón de libras para comprarse una lujosa mansión. Un día conocen a una chica que se les une y de la cual se enamorarán ambos. Una de las más frescas comedias británicas de los 90, cuyas señas de identidad residen en un guión muy ingenioso y en una banda sonora que recopilaba a los grupos británicos más exitosos del momento. La joven Kate Beckinsale (Mucho ruido y pocas nueces) realiza una excelente interpretación.
Nasser 56
Nasser 56 is a 1996 Egyptian historical film directed by Mohamed Fadel, starring Ahmed Zaki. The film focuses on the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egypt's second President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and the subsequent invasion of Egypt by Israel, the United Kingdom, and France.
El hijo de la pantera rosa
Otter pilot
Cuando la princesa Yasmin de Lugash es secuestrada, el comisario Dreyfuss se hace cargo del caso. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, asignan al comisario un ayudante: un gendarme local llamado Jacques. Pronto Dreyfuss comienza a observar en el agente ciertas características que le resultan muy familiares.
Lucky Sunil
Young, handsome and alone in London at the start of a great career. But will Sunil's luck hold out against the seductions of pretty girls, the wiles of con-men and a hundred temptations of the great city?
Doctor Who: Black Orchid
The TARDIS arrives in 1925 England where the Doctor ends up playing in a local cricket match due to a case of mistaken identity. The travellers accept an invitation to a masked fancy dress ball, but events take on a more sinister tone as murders are perpetrated at the country home of their host, Lord Charles Cranleigh.
Las aventuras del ladrón de Bagdad
Melon Seller
Un resuelto ladrón ayuda a un guapo príncipe a luchar contra un mago maligno y a ganar la mano de una bella princesa.
Birmingham is a melting pot of races and every community has a stake in the city's underworld. When former SAS officer John Kline is released from prison after serving a sentence for murder, he becomes the unwilling catalyst in a gang war. Movie screened as part of Play of Today.
The Tragedy of Dr. Hosny
Hosny suffers from terrifying nightmares, so he resorts to a psychiatrist to help him
La momia
First cousin
La momia está basada en hechos reales. En 1881 aparecen en el mercado una serie de objetos procedentes de la dinastía Tanita. Se descubre que la tribu de los Horabat había saqueado en secreto las tumbas de los faraones de Tebas (hoy Luxor). La Escuela de Arqueología de El Cairo encontró las tumbas en un lugar recóndito del Valle de los Reyes. A través de esta película, el realizador Shadi Abd al-Salam plantea importantes cuestiones acerca de la relación entre pasado y presente, las creencias y la profanación, la muerte.