Vivian Law Choi-Ling


Zombie Island
Are You Here
Min (Jacqueline Ch'ng), Lung (Sammy Sum), Keong and Fen are business partners of an online game design company, which is on the verge of winding up due to the lack of clients. Just as things start to get worse, a mysterious lady, Mrs. Wong (Paw Hee Ching) offers them a sizable sum of money if they could complete the final stages of her deceased son's online game - Ouija Board and launch it thereafter. They readily accept the business. Soon mysterious things happen and they experience ghost sightings.
The Midas Touch
Un cobrador se hace cargo de un grupo de estrellas en ciernes cuando su agente incumple en un préstamo, aunque pronto se da cuenta de que no tiene el toque que creía.