Derek DelGaudio

Derek DelGaudio


Derek DelGaudio


Neal Brennan: Blocks
From the weird relationship humans have with dogs to how dating a model is like owning a dune buggy, Neal Brennan muses on his life in this stand-up special.
Bradley Hasling
Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en Seattle, una trabajadora tecnológica agorafóbica descubre evidencia de un crimen violento mientras revisa un flujo de datos, y se encuentra con resistencia y burocracia cuando intenta informarlo a su empresa. Para involucrarse, se da cuenta de que debe enfrentar su mayor miedo y aventurarse a salir de su apartamento y adentrarse en las calles de la ciudad, que están llenas de manifestantes luego de que el ayuntamiento aprobara una ley que restringe los movimientos de la población sin hogar.
Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself
El narrador y mago conceptual Derek DelGaudio intenta comprender la naturaleza ilusoria de la identidad y responder a la pregunta engañosamente simple "¿Quién soy yo?"
Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself
El narrador y mago conceptual Derek DelGaudio intenta comprender la naturaleza ilusoria de la identidad y responder a la pregunta engañosamente simple "¿Quién soy yo?"
Gambler's Ballad: The Legend of Johnny Thompson
Penn and Teller hired Johnny Thompson to consult on their magic show as soon as the duo began their career and Johnny has been with them ever since. "Gambler's Ballad" follows Penn and Johnny's progress as Thompson teaches Penn his signature card act. Numerous well known figures from the magic world reminisce and wax philosophic about the unparalleled knowledge and profound influence Johnny Thompson has had on their own careers as well as the history and current state of the art of magic.