Marta Šíchová


Castle of Otranto
"The Castle of Otranto" is animation/short/mockumentary based on "The Castle of Otranto", a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole, the first Gothic novel. The novel takes place in Otranto in southern Italy. In Jan Svankmajer's mocumentary, the amateur archaeologist Dr Vozáb has set to prove that the supernatural ghost love story takes place not in Italy but in Otranto Castle near Nachod in Czechoslovakia.
Hello, Kohlrabi
Production Manager
The fifth and last episode of the "Who threw that, gentlemen?" series. The series is the continuation of the previous "bear" series "Hey, Mister, let's play?". This time the bears decide to grow carrots and turnips. While working they come across a billy-goat who wants to relieve them of their crop. The bears force him to return the carrots and turnips and to carry all the crops back to their home.
Mientras una niña lee en "off" el poema de Lewis Carroll, un armario deja ver en su interior todo un mundo de juguetes antiguos que "actúan" ante la cámara.
Andělé pro lady F...
Production Manager
Il principe dei attori aneb Herecký kníže z Kampy
Production Manager
Olga Scheinpflugová
Production Manager
Louis Armstrong v Praze
Production Manager