Argentine comedian Ezequiel Campa explores various topics about his family life, from his depressed mother who brings everyone into her depression, to growing up with a father who was so cheap that he had to share his birthday party with another child in the neighborhood.
Executive Producer
Argentine comedian Ezequiel Campa explores various topics about his family life, from his depressed mother who brings everyone into her depression, to growing up with a father who was so cheap that he had to share his birthday party with another child in the neighborhood.
Argentine comedian Ezequiel Campa explores various topics about his family life, from his depressed mother who brings everyone into her depression, to growing up with a father who was so cheap that he had to share his birthday party with another child in the neighborhood.
Argentine comedian Ezequiel Campa explores various topics about his family life, from his depressed mother who brings everyone into her depression, to growing up with a father who was so cheap that he had to share his birthday party with another child in the neighborhood.
Herr Werner
15 años después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un equipo de agentes secretos se reúne para rastrear a Adolf Eichmann, el infame arquitecto nazi del Holocausto, que había escapado de la justicia tras la guerra.
Alan, Dante y Pedro son tres amigos inseparables que crecieron juntos desde muy pequeños. Uno de ellos termina una larga relación con su novia y queda amorosamente desconsolado. Sus dos amigos deciden levantarle el ánimo organizando una megafiesta descontrolada. La fiesta será un éxito salvo por un detalle: la casa había sido prestada por un hombre muy peligroso y en medio del desenfreno y descontrol, se roban un cuadro muy importante de alto valor económico. Los amigos deberán recuperar la obra de arte.