Recording Supervision
A Father's Job tells the story of a Jewish woman's fate in the middle of the last century in Germany. Step by step connections become apparent and result in an overall view that doesn't just comes up with an unexpected counterpart but also turns temporal orientation upside down.
Score Engineer
When feudal lord Itakura Katsuakira decides to prepare his samurai troops for the onslaught of modernization by having them compete in a marathon, his independent-minded daughter Yuki secretly joins the race.
Score Engineer
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Score Engineer
La trama de este filme tiene a un joven Thor y su hermano Loki en busca de la Espada Perdida de Sutur, acompañados nada más y nada menos que por los Tres Guerreros: Volstagg, Hogun y Fandral. El viaje comienza como una aventura inocente, pero rápidamente se transforma en una lucha de supervivencia cuando los Gigantes de Hielo son despertados de su letargo. Odin y Sif, el interés amoroso de Thor, aparecerán en el filme también.
Score Engineer
This year's great performers striking some of the classic attitudes of cinema.
Score Engineer
Aunque en el planeta Tierra son pocos los que pueden hacer daño a Hulk, en el planeta Sakaar varios son igual de poderosos que él, debido a que pasó por una barrera absorbedora de vitalidad. Al principio Hulk no será mas que un esclavo pero, con el paso del tiempo, se convertirá en gladiador y líder rebelde con el objetivo de derrotar al Rey Rojo, que le mantiene prisionero junto a otros esclavos... Película que adapta los cómics homónimos protagonizados por Hulk y escritos por Greg Pak.
Sound Engineer
There's 27 million slaves in the world today. We find them in the sex industry, as child soldiers, as unpaid housekeepers and in production and as shop workers. We have all a responsibility for this.
Score Engineer
In the years of military coup, Turkey was unable to produce its own cars. But Pasha believed that Turkish people can produce their own cars so he ordered 2 cars. Gunduz and engineers with him must produce 2 cars in only 130 days!
Scoring Mixer
Adapted and directed by Marc Craste, Varmints is a 24-minute film based on the award-winning book of the same name by Helen Ward and illustrated by Craste, that tells the story of one small creature's struggle to preserve a world in danger of being lost forever through recklessness and indifference. A crew of 35 people worked in three countries over a two year period to make the film, and an original score by Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson and sound design by Adrian Rhodes complete the picture.