Thong Duy Nguyen


Le Rossignol
A courtier
Getting into his grandfather's pottery workship at night, a little boy finds an unusually large vase. Fascinated, the child feels the still-warm material, which - whether by a miracle ot the hand of a magician, who knows? - at once changes into a magnificent piece of Chinese porcelain. Presently, from behind the great blue-enamelled trees, there appears a fisherman in his sampan... That's how the story of "The Nightingale", told all in music, begins, as the waking dream of a child in the land of Chinese art - and of mobile phones and webcams.
Buen trabajo
Un sargento de la Legión Extranjera en Djibouti, África, siente atracción, luego celos y, finalmente, odio por uno de sus soldados más sobresalientes. El enfrentamiento entre los dos hombres se convierte en la única guerra concreta para ellos, sumergidos en el tedio del entrenamiento y los rituales cotidianos de los militares en tiempos de paz. Libre adaptación de la novela "Billy Budd", de Herman Melville.