Pat Buttram

Pat Buttram

Nacimiento : 1915-06-19, Addison, Alabama, Etats-Unis

Muerte : 1994-01-08


Maxwell Emmett "Pat" Buttram (June 19, 1915 – January 8, 1994) was an American actor, known for playing the sidekick of Gene Autry and for playing the character of Mr. Haney in the television series Green Acres. He had a distinctive voice which, in his own words, "... never quite made it through puberty". It has been described as sounding like a handful of gravel thrown in a Mix-Master" 


Pat Buttram


Goofy e hijo
Possum Park Emcee (voice)
Goofy tiene la desafortunada idea de llevar a su hijo Max a pescar, pero éste, que teme convertirse de mayor en un ser tan tonto como su padre, tiene otros planes. Ha quedado con la bella Roxanne, que por fin ha accedido a salir con él. Pero Goofy no está dispuesto a permitir que su hijo ignore el arte de la pesca.
Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul
An insider's account of Jack Warner, a founding father of the American film industry. This feature length documentary provides the rags to riches story of the man whose studio - Warner Bros - created many of Hollywood's most classic films. Includes extensive interviews with family members and friends, film clips, rare home movies and unique location footage.
Regreso al futuro. Parte III
Saloon Old Timer
Atrapado en 1955, Marty McFly se entera de la muerte de Doc Brown en 1885 y debe viajar en el tiempo para salvarlo. Sin combustible para el DeLorean, los dos deben averiguar cómo escapar del viejo Oeste antes de que Emmett sea asesinado.
Return to Green Acres
Mr. Haney
Tv movie that reunites most the show's cast members. The Douglases move back to New York. But when Haney tries to get everyone's property so that a developer can build on them, the residents go to New York to get Douglas to help them. But he's a little hesitant.
¿Quién engañó a Roger Rabbit?
Bullet #1
Hollywood, 1947. Eddie Valiant, un detective de poca monta, ha sido contratado para encontrar pruebas que demuestren que Marvin Acme, magnate del negocio de los artículos de broma y dueño de Toontown, está rondando a Jessica Rabbit, mujer fatal y esposa de la superestrella del Marron Cartoon, Roger Rabbit. Cuando Acme aparece asesinado, todas las pruebas apuntan a Roger, y el siniestro y ambicioso Juez Doom está decidido a condenarlo como sea. Roger suplica a Valiant que le ayude a encontrar al verdadero culpable, pero el asunto se irá complicando a medida que Eddie va descubriendo, escándalo tras escándalo, que la propia existencia de Toontown corre peligro.
A popular high school student seems to have it all; a spot on the football team, the love of playing music in the school orchestra and a girlfriend. His world seems to come apart when the school doctor discovers he is partially deaf, causing him to be cut from the football team on the advice of the doctor. The student's friends fight to keep him on the team; while he struggles with his problem by withdrawing from everything he loves and starts falling in with the wrong crowd.
The Fox and the Hound: A Lesson in Caution
Chief (voice)
The important lesson that warnings should not be ignored is stressed in this film.
Tod y Toby
Chief (voice)
La aventura y la diversión de este clásico de la Disney comienzan cuando una adorable viuda adopta un precioso cachorro de zorro llamado Tod. El travieso zorro pronto se encuentra con Toby, un adorable cachorro de perro de caza. Así se hace los dos inseparables amigos... sin saber que por su naturaleza deberían ser enemigos. Bajo la mirada vigilante de Mamá Búho, Tod y Toby juegan y se divierten en el bosque, inconscientes de que en el futuro tendrán que enfrentarse y poner su amistad a prueba.
The New Misadventures of Ichabod Crane
Washington (voice)
Sleepy Hollow, a town plagued by the Headless Horseman, hires the most educated person they can find to fight him - Ichabod Crane. He, talking horse and dog, and Rip van Winkle go on the quest. But the Horseman has a secret.
Angels' Brigade
Van Salesman
Six sexy women, and a teenage girl, devastate a right-wing militia before doing battle with ruthless drug pushers.
Los rescatadores
Luke (voice)
Una niña huérfana que ha sido secuestrada envía una nota dentro de una botella pidiendo ayuda. Bernardo y Bianca, dos valientes ratones, miembros de la Sociedad Internacional de Rescate, reciben el mensaje que los llevará al peligroso "Pantano del Diablo". Allí, ayudados por la libélula Evinrude y los habitantes del pantano, vivirán un sinfín de emocionantes aventuras luchando contra la malvada Madame Medusa
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
A Western-genre narrative, loosely woven from old clips from B-Western features.
Over fifty of the greatest living comedians are called to a party at Bob Hope's house, where each of them is systematically killed (and their bodies thrown in Hope's pool!). Hope and the rapidly shrinking cast try to discover who is the mysterious killer known only as "Joys."
Robin Hood
The Sheriff Of Nottingham (voice)
La popular leyenda de Robin Hood es revivida mágicamente por Disney. La diversión y el romance aparecen por doquier cuando Robin Hood, el héroe espadachín del Bosque de Sherwood, se desliza de aventura en aventura con su valiente ayudante, Little John, y su desternillante banda. Su objetivo es vencer al malvado príncipe y su ayuda de cámara, Hiss, que tienen atemorizado al pueblo a base de injustos impuestos.
Evil Roy Slade
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Orphaned and left in the desert as an infant, Evil Roy Slade (John Astin) grew up alone—save for his teddy bear—and mean. As an adult, he is notorious for being the "meanest villain in the West"—so he's thrown for quite a loop when he falls for sweet schoolteacher Betsy Potter (Pamela Austin). There's also Nelson L. Stool (Mickey Rooney), a railroad tycoon, who, along with his dimwitted nephew Clifford (Henry Gibson), is trying to get revenge on Evil Roy Slade for robbing him.
La Ametralladora Perdida
Tin Pot
Cuando la caballería intenta transportar su arma más preciada ("The Gatling") a su fuerte, se encuentra con una tribu apache que también quiere el arma para proteger sus tierras.
Los aristogatos
Napoleon (voice)
1910. En París una anciana millonaria y excéntrica lleva una vida feliz con sus gatos en su enorme mansión, con la única ayuda de su fiel mayordomo Edgar. Allí, Duquesa vive despreocupadamente con sus tres traviesos cachorros, sin saber que Edgar planea acabar con todos los gatos para convertirse en el único heredero de la enorme fortuna de la anciana Madame Bonfamille. Con este propósito, los abandona en un lugar remoto, pero quiere la suerte que se encuentren con Thomas O’Malley, un atractivo gato vagabundo y mundano. Desde el principio, O’Malley, atraído por la elegancia de Duquesa, se propone ayudarla a regresar a casa de Madame Bonfamille, aunque para ello tenga que enfrentarse con todos los peligros de la gran ciudad. Afortunadamente, contarán también con la ayuda de Scat Cat y sus gatos swing, que añaden un toque de ritmo y diversión a la vida de Duquesa y de los cachorros.
I Sailed to Tahiti with an All Girl Crew
It's silliness on the high seas as two sneaky sailors race across the South Pacific in this fast-paced and campy comedy. The fun begins when one bets the other $20,000 that he, with an all girl crew, be the first to Tahiti in a sailboat race. The other, not to be outdone, has a few monkeyshines up his sleeve and actually wins the race. The beaten bettor then makes the claim, that he can beat the victor to the mainland using a crew comprised of baboons. That is too much to resist for the other and the race is on.
The Sweet Ride
Texas Gambler
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
Sergeant Deadhead
The President
An astronaut goes into space with a chimpanzee. When they return to Earth after their orbit, it is discovered that the chimp has the brains of the astronaut, and the astronaut has the brains of the chimp. Complications ensue.
The Hanged Man
Otis Honeywell
A gunman whose best friend has been murdered enacts a plan to blackmail the corrupt labor union leader responsible but finds he isn't the only one after his money.
El trotamundos
Harry Carver
Estamos en 1964: triunfa la minifalda; el Watusi es el baile de moda; Cassius Clay, pronto conocido como Mamad Ali, reclama la corona de los pesos pesados, y Elvis vagabundea de un lado a otro en su motocicleta convertido en El Trotamundos, quien por fin logra un trabajo en una feria ambulante. Al principio se encarga de labores en las que utiliza exclusivamente los músculos, pero pronto coge una guitarra y las cosas cambian; da la impresión de que éste joven lleno de talento es lo que necesita la propietaria de la feria para librarse de la bancarrota.
Acusación de asesinato (A cualquier precio)
Cole Clinton
Al novel abogado David Mitchell se le adjudica la defensa de Ben Brown, a quien las autoridades de Durango acusan de haber asesinado a Cole Clinton, un alto dirigente de la ciudad mejicana. Las irregularidades detectadas en el pliego de cargos contra su cliente hacen que Mitchell se decida a luchar denodadamente por demostrar la inocencia de Ben.
El indómito
Mr. Longstreet (uncredited)
Un joven delincuente es apartado del mal camino por una hermosa viuda que aprecia en él un gran talento como escritor.
Blue Canadian Rockies
'Rawhide' Buttram
Montana ranch owner Cyrus Bigbee sends his foreman, Gene Autry, and Rawhide Buttram to his Canadian timber land to stop the marriage of his daughter Sandy to Todd Markey, whom he dislikes. Sandy wants to turn the property into a dude ranch, with Carolina Cotton and the Cass County Boys (Fred S. Martin, Jerry Scoggins and Bert Dodson) among the entertainers, and runs up against local timbermen who want it for cutting timber. When a Mountie is murdered, with suspicion pointing to Todd, Gene finds the real culprit and brings peace to the area.
Wagon Team
Deputy Pat Buttram
Gene Autry is back in the saddle again as an undercover detective in this action-packed Western complete with a showdown. Gene poses as a jailbird to wangle the truth from a boy (Dick Jones) suspected of stealing an Army payroll. When the youngster escapes from lockup and rejoins his family's medicine show, intrigue is in the wind as Gene tries to solve the mystery of the missing money and to save the lad from a vicious mob. Pat Buttram co-stars.
The Old West
Panhandle Gibbs
Doc Lockwood and his gang are trying to take away Autry's contract for supplying horses to the stagecoach line. Parson Brooks joins Autry in an effort to clean up the town of Sadderlock.
Barbed Wire
P.B. 'Buckeye' Buttram
A cattle buyer (Gene Autry), a federal agent (Pat Buttram) and a newswoman (Anne James) snip a railroad plot.
Apache Country
Pat Buttram
A criminal gang provokes the local Apaches in order to divert the authorities' attention from their own activities.
Valley of Fire
An outcast gambler hijacks a wagon train of eligible women taken west by a mayor.
Hills of Utah
Dusty Cosgrove
A singing doctor (Gene Autry) on horseback heals a feud between cattlemen and copper miners.
Silver Canyon
At the close of the Civil War, a band of Southern guerillas disguised themselves as Union soldiers, the better to perform acts of sabotage in Utah. Autry plays a cavalry scout who goes after guerilla leader McQuarrie (Jim Davis).
Gene Autry and the Mounties
Scat Russell
Montana Marshals Gene and Scat are tracking some bank robbers. When the baddies cross into Canada, the Mounties are called upon to help.
The Blazing Sun
Gene Autry hunts bank robbers Al Bartlett and Trot Lucas with his old friend Mike. Bartlett, to throw off his pursuers, kills Trot and his own brother. When Kitty Bartlett comes to town claiming to be the slain Bartlett's widow, Gene has to save her from the irate townspeople who are not aware that her name isn't Bartlett but she really is the daughter of a law officer slain by Al Bartlett. Ben Luder, a local hood, tricks Bartlett back into town by saying he has to fixed to have Doc Larry Taylor do plastic surgery on him. En route they meet Doc and his assistant Helen Ellis and Ben's ruse is exposed. Bartlett kills Ben and forces Doc to drive him to the railroad. Gene, in a fight atop a runaway train, captures Bartlett.
Indian Territory
Shadrach Jones
Columbia's final release for 1950 was the Gene Autry western Indian Territory. Set during the Reconstruction Era, the story finds Autry working as an undercover agent for the U.S. cavalry. His mission: to neutralize a former Austrian army officer named Curt Raidler (Phil Van Zandt), who is leading a group of renegade Indians on a series of destructive raids.
Beyond the Purple Hills
Mike Rawley
In a typical western (movie) town (possibly described as 'hick' by someone who possibly hasn't seen the film) Gene Autry and his friend Jack Beaumont are present when the bank is robbed and Sheriff Whiteside is killed. Judge Beaumont, Jack's father, appoints Gene the new sheriff. When Jack learns that his father is making a new will in his disfavor, they quarrel and Jack leaves under suspicious circumstances. Rocky Morgan who has been swindling the judge murders him and Gene has to jail his friend, who thinks Gene is double crossing him. But Gene has a plan to clear Jack.
Mule Train
Smokey Argyle
A prospector discovers natural cement and suggests it should be used for a new dam. But this is the last thing the badmen of Trail End want, as they have a monopoly of the wagons needed to haul rocks to the site. A pretty sheriff notwithstanding, it's a job for a singing marshal.
Riders in the Sky
When asked about the Ghost Riders song he sings, Gene Autry tells this legend: Gene is about to resign as an investigator for the county attorney and go into the cattle business with his pal Chuckawalla Jones but decides instead to help Anne Lawson clear her father, rancher Ralph Lawson, of a false murder charge. He looks for the three witnesses who can testify that Lawson shot only in self defense in killing a gambler, but the witnesses are terrorized by another gambler, town boss Rock McCleary, who shoots witness Pop Roberts Morgan. Fatally wounded, Pop gives Gene the information needed to clear Lawson, then dies crying the "Ghost Riders" are coming for him. Gene then heads for a showdown with McCleary.
The Strawberry Roan
Young Joe is paralyzed as he is bucked by a wild horse, a strawberry roan. Angered, his father, Walt, tries to shoot the horse but is stopped by his foreman, Gene Autry. The roan escapes and Autry, told to leave the ranch by Walt, finds and trains the horse, now named Champ, in hopes that by returning it to Joe it will provide him with the will to overcome his disability.
The National Barn Dance
Pat Buttram
This film gives a fictionalized version of how the popular real-life radio program of the title began.