El 2 de octubre de 2018, el periodista del Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi, muy crítico con la política de su país, Arabia Saudí, entró en el consulado saudita de Estambul. Tras 17 días sin noticias de él, la Casa de Saud confirmó su muerte. Le mataron cortándole el cuello y su cuerpo fue descuartizado con una motosierra. Su prometida y disidentes de todos los rincones del mundo tratan en este documental de unir los cabos sueltos de su brutal asesinato.
"I Am Human" tells the origin story of the world’s first “cyborgs” - three humans for whom the restorative potential of brain technology is no sci-fi daydream. As we follow their journeys with implantable brain interfaces, we’re forced to reconcile with the larger societal implications: will the same technologies that heal disease and dysfunction lead to super human abilities, telepathic communication, and cognitive enhancement?
Randy Liedtke (Last Comic Standing) has never smoked weed, so it was important for him to have the most authentic experience imaginable. Join Randy on his quest as he prepares himself to get high for the very first time.