Bruno Victor-Pujebet

Bruno Victor-Pujebet


Bruno Victor-Pujebet


The Magical World of Moss
They have no roots, no seeds, no flowers, but mosses show immense survival capacities and can suspend their biological activity for long periods. Today, researchers are exploring the exceptional resistance of these archaic organisms. British ecologists have even resurrected a "zombie" moss that has been trapped in the permafrost for 1,500 years. Associated with decay and disliked in Europe, mosses are deified in Japan. With 25,000 species worldwide, bryophytes - their scientific name - are the seat of real ecosystems, and can develop in inhospitable landscapes, through an extravagant reproduction cycle.
Savages: The Story of Human Zoos
Camera Operator
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.
Savages: The Story of Human Zoos
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.
Savages: The Story of Human Zoos
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.
Au cœur des robots
A captivating and vertiginous documentary on the relations between man and machines, in the heart of the laboratories where the humanoids of tomorrow are invented. We are on the eve of a revolution, that of the humanoids. These robots with a human face are more and more efficient: they walk, see, hear, speak - They look like two drops of water, are ready to enter our lives, our homes, and are even capable of learn about our own condition. Roboticists believe that, in ten years, androids will be part of our daily lives as well as individual computers. Are we ready?
Au cœur des robots
A captivating and vertiginous documentary on the relations between man and machines, in the heart of the laboratories where the humanoids of tomorrow are invented. We are on the eve of a revolution, that of the humanoids. These robots with a human face are more and more efficient: they walk, see, hear, speak - They look like two drops of water, are ready to enter our lives, our homes, and are even capable of learn about our own condition. Roboticists believe that, in ten years, androids will be part of our daily lives as well as individual computers. Are we ready?
Au cœur des robots
A captivating and vertiginous documentary on the relations between man and machines, in the heart of the laboratories where the humanoids of tomorrow are invented. We are on the eve of a revolution, that of the humanoids. These robots with a human face are more and more efficient: they walk, see, hear, speak - They look like two drops of water, are ready to enter our lives, our homes, and are even capable of learn about our own condition. Roboticists believe that, in ten years, androids will be part of our daily lives as well as individual computers. Are we ready?
Paris 2011 - La grande inondation
Janvier 1910. Paris est inondé. Bilan : 200 000 sinistrés, un milliard de francs de dégâts. Cette crue est centennale. Elle va se reproduire, les experts sont formels. Février 2011. Un technicien du métro parisien cherche désespérément sa femme qui doit accoucher dans un hôpital menacé par la crue ; un couple de touristes se réfugie dans un centre d'hébergement tandis que le fils de la préfète en charge des opérations se retrouve bloqué dans un distributeur bancaire... Les deux tiers de la capitale sont inondés : plus d'électricité, de téléphone, de chauffage, ni de gaz. Les transports à l'arrêt, l'économie paralysée, le quotidien des Parisiens bouleversé, des milliers de personnes fragilisées et des milliards d'euros de dégâts...