Kingsford Siayor


El cadáver
Película que nos sitúa en un peculiar Hotel, en un futuro post apocalíptico. En dicho establecimiento se ofrecen cenas con espectáculo, mientras afuera el planeta entero pasa hambre. Una familia pobre, consigue unas entradas para pasar una noche allí, pero su sueño se convertirá en pesadilla cuando descubren que son parte del siniestro juego que los anfitriones proponen.
The Black Lapp
Anna lives with her father Karl someplace in the outskirts of northern Norway. Karl killed his ex-wife and threw her newborn coloured child into the sea when he discovered that she obviously had been unfaithful. Now Karl is being haunted by her ghost and is developing a serious drinking problem. Anna is looking for the love of her life, but there aren't many bachelors around - until they discovers another small family on the other side of the mountain. They meet a semi-alcoholized widow on Karl's age, her son Peder, and her black adopted son, Ante, that arrived from the sea on a piece of wood.