Estados Unidos, 1926: Willy Wolters, una joven holandesa de 24 años, emigró al continente americano con sus padres cuando era niña. Sueña con convertirse en directora, pero esta es una ambición que nadie se toma en serio. Sin que ella lo sepa, también se convertirá en Antonia Brico.
Axel is Dutch Surinamese, but after 20 years of living in the Netherlands he has become 100% Dutch. He has married a Dutch girl, Victoria, and has never been back. When his free-spirited mother Gladys summons the family to her guesthouse in Surinam for Christmas and an important announcement, Axel, his wife and her sister Mirna reluctantly make the journey. They have barely arrived when the situation gets completely out of hand, with his brother Virgil winding him up and his daughter Wonnie, who is doing an internship in Paramaribo, admitting that she is pregnant...
El compañero de clase de David, Jochem, sufre acoso escolar por su sobrepeso. Aunque David intenta frenar el acoso, quizá sea demasiado tarde.
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.