Jim Sanfilippo


Minority Report
Washington DC, año 2054. La policía utiliza tecnología psíquica para arrestar y enjuiciar a los asesinos antes de que cometan un crimen. El futuro se puede predecir y los culpables son detenidos por la unidad de élite Precrime antes de que puedan delinquir. Las pruebas se basan en los "precogs", tres seres psíquicos cuyas visiones sobre los asesinatos nunca han fallado.
Temblores 2: La respuesta
Best Boy Grip
Las criaturas subterráneas que aterrorizaron a un pueblecito se abren ahora camino a través de los campos mexicanos. De nuevo, la población vuelve a estar a la expectativa, deseando que esta situación acabe pronto.
The Eyes of St. Anthony
Executive Producer
Paul Devlin’s fictional short stars James McCaffrey (co-star of Rescue Me) as Tony O’Neil, a talented, but very distracted neon artist. Tony loses everything he touches. And if he's not careful, that includes his girlfriend Corrin. Desperate, Tony seeks the help of Shah, a strange and powerful mystic who has learned to use science to achieve spiritual goals. Shah's newest invention is a pair of extraordinary glasses. Try them on, think of an object that's lost and in a moment, it can be seen. The glasses need field-testing and Tony is the perfect subject. At first, Tony is back in control, finding all the things he's lost. But the glasses are more complex than he ever imagined. Tony is about to discover that sometimes, the worst part of losing things, is finding them...