Taxi Driver
When layoffs are announced at a remote oilfield office, team morale deteriorates with both humorous, and heartbreaking, results. With support, and often-questionable guidance from her co-workers, new engineer Wendy must navigate personal ethics and corporate industry within one of the world's most controversial industries.
Concession Worker
Widower Pete lucha por criar a sus tres hijos sin la ayuda de nadie. Su hija es una entusiasta de la naturaleza que se queda encantada cuando una pareja de cisnes anidan en el estanque que hay junto a su casa. Sin embargo, cuando matan a la cisne madre, la bióloga Ginny llega al lugar para hacerse cargo de los huevos, y surge la chispa entre Pete y Ginny.
Against the terrifying backdrop of a biological apocalypse, a Native teenager, Brian, comes out to his older sister, Faith, and homophobic brother, Charles. Conflict erupts among them as desperate survivors from the city seek refuge on the rez from the horrors of a 'megapox' epidemic that is quickly devastating urban populations across North America. Through a perilous journey to the city for food, where they rescue Brian's 'friend' in the process (an outrageous drag queen named Tonya), the hungry and frightened youth reach acceptance by facing down their fears.