The movie tells about the young woman in modern Moscow which is compelled to survive in the conditions of the rigid competition not only at work, but also in private life. The heroine doesn't manage to hear the desires in continuous vanity and diligence to keep in the megalopolis. Hurrying on protection of the project on which its future career depends, it nearly doesn't force down the small child who oddly has appeared on the carriageway. In attempt to find his parents, the heroine encounters a number of mystical coincidence, which lead to irreparable consequences. She gets up before a choice to live further or to lose everything and to remain the human.
La Guerra Del Norte (1700- 1721). Luis XIV, Rey de Francia, destierra a dos duelistas: a uno de ellos lo envía con Carlos XII (1697-1718), rey de los suecos, y el otro marcha a Rusia con el Zar Pedro I (1689-1725). Ambos soldados serán testigos desde bandos opuestos de la gran batalla de Poltava (1709), en la que los suecos sufrieron una gran derrota. Gracias a esta guerra, Rusia logró el libre acceso al mar Báltico a través de San Petersburgo, ciudad fundada por Pedro I.
Una organización terrorista conocida como Ansar Allah planea un atentado para convertir Roma, la ciudad eterna, en una ciudad mortal. El comandante Smolin del FSB (las nuevas siglas de la siniestra KGB) será pieza clave para evitar el desastre; y es que se trata del mismo grupo que secuestró a su hija de diez años junto a centenares de niños en un circo de Moscú.
Almost cloudless family happiness of spouses Vadim and Lyuba, it seemed, nothing can threaten. A bolt from struck suddenly. The only and beloved eighteen-year-old son Ilya decided to marry. So in love, and bride, Anastasia, already in position. Being people of modern views, the couple were ready to give their blessing, but Vadim, from questioning in a conversation with Nastya, understands that she is his illegitimate daughter. The forgotten short-term novel returned in the form of a pretty, innocent, girl. Under the blow was all: family, work, relationships with his wife and son.