Kenny Kusaka


Assassination Classroom: La graduación
Visual Effects Coordinator
La historia continúa con los propios conflictos de los estudiantes, la identidad de Koro Sensei y el destino del mundo. Se aproxima el límite de tiempo para el asesinato.
Post-Production Manager
Situada en el año 2020, Shiori Genpo dirige la gran corporación Funtom. Shiori es también un descendiente de la noble familia prestigiosa Phantomhive de Inglaterra.Como descendiente de la familia Phantomhive, Shiori resuelve los casos difíciles los cuales son ordenados por la reina. Con el fin de tomar venganza, Shiori hace un trato con el demonio Sebastián. Su acuerdo incluye que el ahora mayordomo Sebastian proteja a Shiori hasta que su venganza se haya cumplido y ocurrido esto, consumirá su alma.
The Great Passage
Post-Production Manager
Majime, an eccentric man in publishing company, who has unique ability of words, joins the team that will compile a new dictionary, ‘The Great Passage.’ In the eclectic team, he becomes immersed in the world of dictionaries. But the team is overwhelmed with problems. Will ‘The Great Passage’ ever be completed?
The Story of Yonosuke
Post-Production Manager
The year is 1987 and Japan is just reaching the peak of its economic success. Eighteen-year old Yonosuke Yokomichi arrives in Tokyo from Nagasaki. Ordinary in every way possible, he lives in a suburb far from the excitement of the big city and commutes to a university in the center of Tokyo.
Always: Sunset on Third Street '64
Post-Production Manager
The Tokyo Olympics are about to open, and Rynosuke Chagawa is excited to receive a new TV set to watch the upcoming events. His wife Hiromi is pregnant and he has built a second level on his shop to provide his adopted son Junnosuke with a private space to study for entrance to Tokyo University to set up a career with a major company. He dreams of sparing Junnosuke the struggles that he has faced as a writer. The family continues to rely upon Hiromi's income from her bar. Meanwhile a rival story, The Virus, by a new writer has appeared in the periodical that has been publishing his stories "Boy's Adventure Book" and he fears the new competition. Norifumi Suzuki also receives a new TV, but more of a deluxe model. Mutsuko Hoshino (Roku) is still the principal mechanic in the Suzuki family's auto repair shop, but she dresses up some mornings to go to a nearby street with the hope of a "chance" meeting with Dr...
Post-Production Manager
After the collapse of their relationship, Kiwako abducts the 6-month old child of a man she was having an affair with. Raising the child as her own, it is four years before the authorities catch up with her and the young child.
Tada's Do-It-All House
Post-Production Manager
In Mahoro, the fictional suburb of Tokyo, Tada works as a general problem solver for hire. One day, former classmate Gyoten appears unannounced. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. With no explanation, Gyoten suddenly asks to spend the night at Tada's home. Eventually, Tada accepts Gyoten as his assistant and together they become involved in various cases concerning an assortment of people from different walks of life.
Space Battleship Yamato
Post-Production Manager
Space Battleship Yamato nos situa en el año 2199, cinco años despues que apareciesen unos misteriosos alienigenas llamados Gamilas y empezasen a atacar a la Tierra con meteoritos gigantes y dejar su superficie totalmente inhabitable por culpa de la radiacion post-bélica. A la raza humana apenas le queda un año de vida cuando se recibe un enigmatico mensaje proveniente del lejano planeta Iscandar, asegurando que poseen un artilugio capaz de eliminar la radiacion de la Tierra y ofreciendo su ayuda a los humanos. Decididos a salvar el planeta, las Fuerzas de Defensa reconstruyen el acorazado espacial Yamato para poder realizar el increíble viaje que les llevara a mas de 150.000 años luz de distancia en busca de un desconocido planeta que puede ser la ultima esperanza para la raza humana y para la Tierra.
Soup Opera
Post Production Supervisor
Sakai plays Rui, a 35-year-old single woman forced to live alone after the aunt who raised her suddenly decides to get married and move out. Through an unexpected set of circumstances, she winds up becoming roommates with an aging ladies’ man named Tony and a timid younger man named Kosuke.
Post-Production Manager
Flowers examines the lives of six women across three generations, from the Show period all the way through to the present day.
Zatoichi: The Last
Post Production Supervisor
El masajista y espadacín ciego Zatoichi, decide que ha llegado la hora de dejar la carretera y establecerse con su esposa (Satomi Ishihara) en su pueblo natal. Pero, como de costumbre, los problemas le persiguen y Zatoichi es de nuevo provocado a luchar en una batalla en la qué serán tan importantes su ingenio como su espada oculta.
Air doll (Muñeca de aire)
Post Production Supervisor
Una muñeca hinchable de tamaño natural vive en un modesto piso de Tokio. Es la única compañía de su solitario amo, un hombre de mediana edad. Él le habla, la baña y le hace el amor cada día cuando vuelve del trabajo. Sin embargo, esta rutina se rompe cuando, de repente, la Muñeca Hinchable cobra vida y con ella un alma. Acaba de nacer y no entiende lo que ocurre a su alrededor, aunque se da cuenta de que existe otro mundo más allá de las paredes del piso. Cuando, por fin, se atreve a salir al mundo exterior, se siente fascinada por todo lo que ve. Conoce a mucha gente, pero nadie es capaz de explicarle qué significa "estar viva". Un día, entra en un videoclub y conoce a Junichi, el vendedor, del que se enamora inmediatamente...
Production Manager
Yatterman cuenta la historia del trío de villanos conocido como La Banda Dorombo, quienes persiguen la leyenda de una misteriosa gema llamada Piedra cráneo que es capaz de revelar el más grande yacimiento de oro en el mundo.
Exposición de amor
Post Production Supervisor
Yu es un adolescente que se ha criado en el seno de una familia muy cristiana. Recién ordenado sacerdote, su padre le obliga a confesar sus pecados, que él comete buscando la aprobación paterna. Yu se dedica diligentemente a obrar mal, hasta que sus fotos a hurtadillas de bragas de chicas lo catapultan a la fama. Pero entonces conoce a Yoko y se ve envuelto en una misteriosa secta...
One Million Yen Girl
Post Production Supervisor
Tras haber salido de prisión y cansada de los cotilleos del vecindario sobre ella y su familia, Suzuko Sato, una joven de 21 años, decide vagar por todo Japón, estableciéndose en un lugar hasta que ahorra un millón de yenes, momento en el que se marcha a otro destino para vivir nuevas experiencias y conocer a otras personas.
Adrift in Tokyo
Post-Production Manager
A thug offers to pay a law student's gambling debt if the student will accompany him on a trip across Tokyo.
Always: Sunset on Third Street 2
Post-Production Manager
Would-be writer Ryunosuke Chagawa is still living across the street from Norifumi Suzuki and his auto repair shop, though now he shares his home with Junnosuke, an orphan he's taken under his wing at the urging of pretty Hiroi, who continues to manage a nearby tavern. Chagawa dreams of publishing a successful novel and settling down with Hiroi and Junnosuke, but his day job running the candy store keeps him busy, and Hiroi mistakes his tight schedule for a lack of interest in her. Hiroi has also embarked on a secret career as a burlesque dancer, which isn't doing much to improve her opinion of men. At the Suzuki household, seven-year-old Ippei isn't happy to be sharing the house with a guest, his distant cousin Mika who is the same age but far more demanding. Mutsuko, the apprentice female auto mechanic, is still staying with the Suzukis, and she's becomes the object of the affections of Takeo, a downbeat young man who is studying cooking.
Yunagi City, Sakura Country
Post-Production Manager
Thirteen years afterward, I wonder if those who bombed Hiroshima are looking at me and saying: 'We did it! We were able to kill another person!' They should be," murmurs Minami (played by Kumiko Aso), one of the two leading female characters in Yunagi no Machi, Sakura no Kuni, as she lies dying in 1958, her life brought to a premature end by sickness resulting from her exposure to atomic bomb radiation. This is a story about those who at least initially survived the first U.S. atomic bombing of 1945 and their descendants in contemporary times. The film, based on a comic by Fumiyo Kono, jumps between the two time frames and quietly depicts the sorrow and mortification experienced through the everyday lives of laid-back and soft-spoken Hiroshima people. Only a few scenes of the bombing and the ensuing devastation are featured.
Letters from Kanai Nirai
Post-Production Manager
Fuki who lives with her grandfather Shoei in Taketomi Island, Okinawa, dreams of becoming a photographer. In her childhood, her mother Masami left Fuki to live in Tokyo. Although Masami has not come back, Fuki receives birthday cards from Masami every year on her birthday. On Fuki's fourteenth birthday, Masami promises to confess everything when Fuki becomes 20 years old. After her graduation from high school, Fuki moves to Tokyo to work as a camera assistant. Fuki starts off her hectic life in Tokyo, and soon, her nineteenth birthday comes. As usual, she receives a birthday card from Masami. A year later...
Yaji y Kita: Los peregrinos de medianoche
Post Production Coordinator
Dos amantes samurai homosexuales se embarcan en una misión hacia Ise Shrine, un viaje que los obliga a enfrentar de todo, desde la drogadicción hasta una batalla con el Rey Artiuro. Basada parcialmente en la novela de Tokkaidochu Hizakurige.