In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance. But her sexual, rebellious awakening is disrupted by her mother who never got to come of age herself.
Executive Producer
After a bus accident in the middle of the countryside, Lupa follows Alban who's decided to head to the nearest village on foot. As they're cutting across fields, they get lost in a strange forest.
Executive Producer
Pablo, un niño de 12 años, recibe una beca para asistir a la escuela en la misteriosa y aislada Colonia Dignidad establecida en Chile por colonos alemanes. Parece ser todo un privilegio para un niño como él, y rápidamente se convierte en el favorito del líder de la colonia, el tío Paul. Con el tiempo, Pablo es testigo de una especie de cosas extrañas que suceden allí y lo hacen actuar de manera diferente a los demás estudiantes.
Executive Producer
Daily life in a third-class Transsiberian wagon named Vostok N 20. Between discomfort, shared meals, boredom and confessions to strangers, people spend their time as they can. In the form of literary counterpoint, poems of Marina Tsvétaeva told by Fanny Ardant illuminates the feelings of passengers: their loneliness, their desires for freedom and love.