Jean-Pierre Dupont


Dictator: One Crazy Job
They’ve become the human face of inhuman barbarity. Leaders like Hitler, Idi Amin Dada, Stalin, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Bokassa, Muammar Kadhafi, Khomeini, Mussolini and Franco governed their countries completely cut off from reality. These paranoid leaders were driven to abuse their power by the pathology of power itself. Dictators are driven by a relentless, thought-out determination to impose themselves as infallible, all-knowing and all-powerful beings. But they are also men ruled by their caprices, uncontrollable impulses, and reckless fits of frenzy, which paradoxically render them as human as anyone else. The abuses they committed were clearly atrocious, yet some of them were as outlandish as the characters portrayed in the film The Dictator. They sunk to depths worthy of Kafka: so incredibly absurd, they are outrageously funny.
Bokassa Ier, empereur de Françafrique
Vive le fric!
Jean Levêque has been unemployed for two years. His wife, Armelle, tries to support the family but her salary cannot cover all the expenses. Together with his wife and father-in-law, he imagines stealing a truck carrying used banknotes destined for destruction. With the help of a vehicle of the road service, they perpetuate their coup which succeeds perfectly
Associate Producer
A woman revisits long-suppressed nightmares as she is being chased through an abandoned warehouse by a strange man.