Brigita Beniušytė


Associate Producer
Elena imparte clases de baile, mientras que Dovydas trabaja como intérprete de lenguaje de signos. En el momento en que se conocen, se establece un hermoso vínculo entre ellos. Sin embargo, su relación será puesta a prueba cuando Dovydas confiesa a Elena que tiene sentimientos románticos por ella, pero es asexual, es decir, no siente y nunca ha sentido deseo sexual por otra persona.
Kartą kaime
Production Manager
Mystical thriller about an investigation carried out by three characters into the disappearance of the residents of a small town. The film is characterized by a twisted plot and alternating main suspects until, at the end of the film, the viewers are presented with a strikingly different version of the story. It is the second film by Marius Pocevičius, in which an ironic and absurd world is created and complex narrative wings that involve the viewer throughout the film's time.
Mystical thriller about an investigation carried out by three characters into the disappearance of the residents of a small town. The film is characterized by a twisted plot and alternating main suspects until, at the end of the film, the viewers are presented with a strikingly different version of the story. It is the second film by Marius Pocevičius, in which an ironic and absurd world is created and complex narrative wings that involve the viewer throughout the film's time.