Tomasz Preniasz-Struś

Tomasz Preniasz-Struś

Nacimiento : 1969-10-22, Gliwice, śląskie, Polska


Tomasz Preniasz-Struś


The Death of Captain Pilecki
Captain Witold Pilecki was a Polish intelligence officer during WWII who volunteered for a Polish resistance operation to get imprisoned in the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in order to gather intelligence and enable the Polish government-in-exile to inform the allies about the ongoing Holocaust in occupied Poland. The film also tells the story of Witold Pilecki’s fate at the hands of the Communist government after the end of WWII. The film is a reconstruction of the trial which took place in Warsaw during the communist regime in Poland. Captain Pilecki described his investigation as more cruel than his stay at Auschwitz.
Seven Stops on the Way to the Paradise
The story of two very close lesbian friends: Małgosia and Mariola. One day, Małgosia learns that she is terminally ill. Together with her friend, she goes to a sanctuary famous for miracles. Along the way, they see the figures of the seven deadly sins and a number of characters from the New and Old Testaments. As the plot unfolds, the viewer learns that the whole journey is not real, but takes place only in the imagination, the inner space of the characters.
Man of the Crowds
Pawel Markowicz suffers from Stendhal syndrome and it is to Dr.Giordano that he tells his secret.
Młode Wilki 1/2
"Młode wilki 1/2" to druga część historii o młodzieży, która wchodzi w życie w realiach drapieżnego kapitalizmu. Akcja toczy się w 1994 roku, kilka miesięcy przed akcją pierwszej części. "Młode wilki 1/2" nie jest filmem o przemocy i zbrodni. Jest to film o przyjaźni, lojalności i pierwszej miłości. Czasem nieporadnie, czasem ze wstydem, bohaterowie filmu odkrywają w sobie uczucia, które znali jedynie jako puste słowa Dopiero w sytuacjach ekstremalnych odkrywają ich nowy sens. Jest to także film o marzeniach i pragnieniach. Zarówno tych zwykłych, banalnych, jak szybkie samochody i ładne dziewczyny, jak i głębszych, jak chęć znalezienia swojego celu w życiu, potrzeba poznania własnej tożsamości.
Królestwo Zielonej Polany
bratanek Krzyżaka (voice)
Polski Crash
żołnierz rosyjski
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia.
East Wind
Aleksander, przyjaciel Nikolskiego (uncredited)
The true story of General Smyslovsky and the anti-Communist 1st Russian National Army receiving shelter in Liechtenstein in 1945 and successfully resisting Soviet pressure to be returned for execution in the USSR.