Romain Anklewicz


Double foyer
Foley Artist
Los buenos profesores
Foley Artist
François Cluzet (Intocable, Pequeñas mentiras sin importancia), Adèle Exarchopoulos (La vie d’Adèle, Passages) y Vincent Lacoste protagonizan esta reivindicación de la profesión de la educación y su papel como pilar fundamental de cualquier sociedad. A través de un sobresaliente trabajo de interpretación coral que dan vida a un grupo diverso de docentes, nos ofrece un retrato realista de los profesionales que nos acompañan desde nuestra infancia poniendo especial énfasis en los valores que forjan la vocación de maestro.
Foley Artist
Jordan, 14, is bored in the small village of Mornas. His mother, a nurse, is often away, so he keeps himself busy with his best friend Patrick by playing their console, affectionately named Jessica. When Jessica dies, Jordan and his friend decide to fake an illness and set up an online fund to buy a new one. As the lie spreads across the schoolyard, everyone's attention finally turns to them. Their new-found popularity will put their unbreakable friendship to the test...
Everybody Calls Me Mike
Foley Artist
Thibault, Isabelle and their son Jeremie board their sailboat Joshua to sail the world and live a new life. The Gulf of Aden is watched over by Somali pirates, and while stopping in Djibouti, the happy family meets Mike, a black they know nothing about but innately trust. Inviting Mike to board the ship, the quartet travels onward in their sailboat…
Foley Artist
In contemporary Paris, German filmmaker Tomas embraces his sexuality through a torrid love affair with a young woman named Agathe, an impulse that blurs the lines which define his relationship with his husband, Martin. When Martin begins an extramarital affair of his own, he successfully gains back his husband’s attention while simultaneously unearthing Tomas’ jealousy. Grappling with contradicting emotions, Tomas must either embrace the confines of his marriage or come to terms with the relationship having run its course.
Scarlet (L'envol)
Foley Artist
Juliette creció sola con su padre Raphaël en el norte de Francia. Él un veterano de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La niña, apasionada por el canto y la música, conoce un verano a un mago que le promete que unas velas escarlatas algún día la sacarán de su pueblo. Juliette nunca dejó de creer en esta profecía.
Foley Artist
1980s-set first feature follows a gang of ethnic minority youngsters called The Rascals, who take on an ultra-violent gang of right-wing skinheads, losing their innocence in the process.
Black Soldier
Foley Artist
France, 1986. When Hughes, a young man from the French West Indies, discovers the new Freetime ad, it is a shock : France, the country where he was born, to which he owes his life and his identity, considers him a cannibal. This is the start of a radical awareness fueled by anger and frustration.
Sound Effects
In the maternity ward, Céline awaits the arrival of her first child. It is Jeanne, her partner, who will bring her into the world. At night, in the entrance hall of the hospital, she meets men who are waiting, like herself.
Crónica de un amor efímero
Foley Artist
Una madre soltera y un hombre casado se vuelven amantes. Están comprometidos a verse solo por una aventura y no a encontrar ninguna esperanza de amor, sabiendo muy bien que la relación no tiene futuro. Sin embargo, cada vez se sorprenden más por su comprensión, su complicidad y el bienestar que experimentan juntos.
Foley Artist
La línea ferroviaria RER B atraviesa el área metropolitana parisina y su periferia de norte a sur. La película es un viaje hacia aquellos espacios anónimos conocidos como las ciudades del interior y los suburbios. El conjunto de estos retratos individuales conforman un todo.
Les mains sales
Laure cleans in a Parisian apartment belonging to the Saudi royal family. When unknown men come into the apartment, Laure is forced to hide in a storeroom with her boss. The two women must remain silent, glued to each other.
Lève tes morts
In 1752 in Reunion Island, Soa, a former Malagasy slave, believes she has found a tunnel that will lead her back to Madagascar. When her village of maroons falls under the threat of slave hunters, Soa faces an inescapable choice: stay with her loved ones or flee to finally return home.
La travesía
Un pequeño pueblo saqueado, una familia obligada a huir. Los dos hijos mayores, Kyona y Adriel, son rápidamente separados de sus padres y afrontan solos el camino del exilio. Se embarcan en un heroico viaje que los lleva de la infancia a la adolescencia en busca de refugio, paz y la esperanza de encontrar cobijo y a su familia. Atravesando un continente desgarrado por la guerra y la persecución a los migrantes, estos valientes hermanos sobreviven a increíbles desafíos.
Los amores de Anaïs
Foley Artist
Anaïs tiene treinta años, pero no tiene mucho dinero. Tiene un novio al que cree que ya no ama. Anaïs conoce a Daniel, quien inmediatamente se enamora de ella. Pero Daniel vive con Émilie... que también se interesa por Anaïs.
Pompei ultima scoperta
Las cosas que decimos, las cosas que hacemos
Foley Artist
Daphné, embarazada de tres meses y de vacaciones en el campo, acoge como huésped a Maxime, primo de su pareja, François, que ha tenido que volver a París para cubrir a un compañero hospitalizado. Durante cuatro días, esperando el regreso de François, Daphné y Maxime se van conociendo y desarrollando cierta amistad, contándose sus respectivas experiencias sentimentales.
Not a Word
Foley Artist
Alice is a victim of sexual abuse, and like many victims, lived in silence for years, ashamed, tortured by guilt, afraid to reveal the truth. When Alice starts reading from her teenage diary she finally summons enough courage to confront the man she holds responsible for her suffering.
Martin Fell From a Roof
Sound Designer
While working on a construction site, Martin falls from a roof. His right leg and arm in a cast, Martin can not work anymore but his boss refuses to compensate him after the incident. His pregnant wife, Jeanne, decides to solve this situation in her own way.
Gone Youth
End of summer. An isolated house in the countryside. Jo, devoted to music creation, spends her time locked in her barn composing. She neglects her little brother whom she takes care of. A few days before a new tour, she discovers her body has been transformed.
Marcus, a young intelligence soldier, became a national hero after his bravery in a terrorist attack. The authoritarian regime based on mass surveillance uses his image to value its action. As he returns to his parents' home for furlough, he will be faced with the reality of this ruthless administration he has come to embody in the media.
Apollo 11 : retour vers la lune
Sound Effects
Assistant Foley Artist
Red (Nicholas Cage) es un leñador que vive alejado del mundo junto al amor de su vida, Mandy (Andrea Riseborough). Un día, mientras da un paseo abstraída en una de las novelas de fantasía que suele leer a diario, Mandy se cruza sin saberlo con el líder de una secta que desarrolla una obsesión por ella. Decidido a poseerla a cualquier precio, él y su grupo de secuaces invocan a una banda de motoristas venidos del infierno que la raptan y, en el proceso, hacen añicos la vida de Red. Decidido a vengarse y equipado con toda clase de artilugios, pone en marcha una matanza que deja cuerpos, sangre y vísceras allá por donde pasa.
L'Odyssée Rosetta, 900 jours sur une comète
Ferdinand, Battlefield Rat
Sound Engineer
Ferdinand, Battlefield Rat
Sound Editor
Ferdinand, Battlefield Rat
Sound Effects
Argentina 1983, the dictatorship comes to an end in the country, but not in this woman's life.
El canto
Foley Artist
Todo lo que no puedes dejar atrás
Foley Artist
Mendelssohn is on the Roof
Foley Artist