Susanne Lummer

Susanne Lummer


Susanne Lummer


Coronavirus: Alerta ambiental
Coronavirus: Alerta ambiental se embarca en una investigación exhaustiva que incluye diálogos reveladores con figuras como Jane Goodall, reconocida primatóloga e ícono de la conservación, y el activista Paul Watson. En la nueva producción, una variedad de especialistas, que incluye científicos con experiencia directa en enfermedades zoonóticas emergentes, comparten sus visiones acerca de la pandemia y su vinculación con el tráfico indiscriminado e ilegal de animales con enfermedades, al tiempo que analizan pandemias pasadas y destacan las lecciones a aprender de la situación actual, conectando la salud humana con los animales y el medio ambiente.
Dragons and Damsels
Executive Producer
More beautiful than butterflies, more spectacular fliers than hummingbirds, and with intriguing behavior as complex as mammals or birds. They’ve been flying around for hundreds of millions of years, crossing paths with dinosaurs before we mammals were even a twinkle in the eye of evolution.
Whale Wisdom
Executive Producer
Whales have long been a profound mystery to us. They live in a world so removed from our own that we can barely imagine their lives. Their environment is different, their senses are different, their relationships are different. How might such almost alien creatures see the world?
David Attenborough's Tasmania
Executive Producer
Tasmania lies on the Australian continent, but is a world apart. It is home to an extraordinary cast of black devils and white wallabies. Trees here tower to one hundred metres and green lights dance in the southern sky. As the last landfall heading south before Antarctica, Tasmania's isolation, cooler climate and distinct seasons influence everything.
The Kangaroo King
Con el trasfondo dramático del desierto australiano y los matorrales, ve la vida a través de los ojos de un canguro rojo muy especial mientras lucha por sobrevivir a la sequía, los incendios forestales, los dingos y los cazadores de roo.
Wild Poland
Executive Producer
Huge wandering dunes on the Baltic, thousands of lakes in the dream landscape of Masuria, gigantic river systems of Biebrza and Narew, mystical primeval forests and the rugged crags of the Southern mountains: all of this is Poland. No other country in Europe has more square kilometres of national parks.