Paula Carrizo


Campo Atrás
In a small village in Toledo during the 00's, Elena, a widowed housewife, tries to get closer to her son César, a teenager who is about to finish high school and move to "the big city". However, he still doesn't know who he is or what he wants to become. Meanwhile, her older sister, Bárbara, returns by surprise to spend a weekend in the village...
Campo Atrás
In a small village in Toledo during the 00's, Elena, a widowed housewife, tries to get closer to her son César, a teenager who is about to finish high school and move to "the big city". However, he still doesn't know who he is or what he wants to become. Meanwhile, her older sister, Bárbara, returns by surprise to spend a weekend in the village...
Dos generaciones de mujeres de distintos barrios de Madrid comparten una afición:el cuidado del pelo. Sin embargo, no significa lo mismo para todas. Cada una entiende el pelo como una parte distinta de su identidad, y a través de diferentes episodios en sus vidas descubrimos los lazos que las unen independientemente de la edad.