Eric Saw

Nacimiento : , Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, UK


The Deadly Bees
Una cantante, cansada mentalmente de rodar videoclips y realizar conciertos, se toma unos dias de vacaciones y va a descansar a una alejada isla llamada "La Isla de la Gaviota". Allí vive un amigo suyo dedicado a la apicultura. Al principio, la cantante se toma lo de las abejas como algo curioso e interesante, pero detecta algo extraño en su amigo. Un dia empiezan a encontrar víctimas debido a picaduras de abejas, quizá el apicultor esté detras de las muertes, quizá las abejas sean más peligrosas de lo que parecen...
El ingenuo salvaje
En un pueblo minero del norte de Inglaterra, Frank Machin triunfa como estrella de rugby en el equipo local. De carácter violento y arrogante, disfruta de la gloria y de la fama. Sin embargo, la relación con su casera, una joven viuda, le descubre una nueva forma de ser y de ver las cosas... Aclamado drama del pionero del Free Cinema inglés.
A volante y a lo loco
Murdoch Troon es un sencillo funcionario que está locamente enamorado de Claire, hija de un prestigioso millonario. Con la intención de impresionar al padre de su querida, Murdoch aprenderá a conducir un antiguo coche deportivo.
Crooks Anonymous
A former burglar trying to go straight joins a rehabilitation scheme using much the same methods as AA. Through the process, he takes work as a department store Santa, where the endless parade of goods and money, not to mention the pretty young shop hands have him like a moth to a flame in no time flat.
Hasta el último aliento
Assistant Art Director
John Cummings es un agente de ventas cuya vida personal es un auténtico fracaso. Para colmo, el coche que se ha comprado para hacer su trabajo se lo roba una banda organizada, que se dedica a falsificar la documentación de los vehículos sustraídos para después venderlos. En vista de que, al denunciar el robo, le aseguran que será casi imposible encontrar su coche, decide investigar por su cuenta, aunque pronto descubrirá que tiene que enfrentarse a un siniestro y despiadado criminal, Lionel Meadows. (FILMAFFINITY)
Devil's Bait
Art Direction
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
The White Trap
Art Direction
Serving a jail sentence for a crime he didn't commit, Paul Langley makes several attempts to escape from prison, in order to clear his name. He also has other problems, his wife is about to go into labor with their first baby.
La clave del enigma
Un pintor holandés (Hardy Kruger) es acusado del asesinato de su novia inglesa.
Art Direction
A local government official leads a double life when organising a breakout from a prison.
Chain of Events
Art Direction
Cuando un empleado intenta dejar de pagar el billete del autobús desata toda una serie de complicaciones.
The Flying Scot
A gang of four would-be robbers plans to steal a fortune in currency hidden aboard the "Flying Scotsman" in a railroad stateroom by cutting through the wall of the adjacent stateroom, but find themselves up against numerous unexpected drawbacks, including interference by their fellow passengers.
The Vicious Circle
When Dr Howard Latimer finds the German Actress that he has just met at London Airport murdered in his flat, it leads him into the world of murder, blackmail and a fake passport scam.
Cat Girl
Art Direction
A psychiatrist treats a woman who is convinced that she turns into a killer leopard because of a family curse.
Time Lock
A boy is accidentally locked in a bank vault. With less than 10 hours of oxygen left in the vault, it becomes a race to save the boy.
After the Ball
The life and loves of Music hall singer Vesta Tilley, who married into the nobility
The Man in the Road
Art Direction
A brilliant scientist who has lost his memory is hunted by Communist agents out to obtain a secret formula.
John and Julie
The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
The Love Match
After being arrested for assaulting a football referee, desperate train driver Bill (Arthur Askey) raids the railwaymen's holiday fund to cover his £55 fine. He knows he's going to be discovered though, leaving him no choice but to get the money back by hook or by crook! His last chance is to run a book on the United v City football derby. If that wasn't tense enough, Bill's son is also making his debut for United. It looks like it's going to be a day to remember - do you dare look? ...The Love Match.
A Yank in Ermine
An American airman inherits an Earldom in England along with the small matter of $3 million on the proviso that he gives up his US citizenship. Unsure if he is prepared to make the sacrifice he takes a trip with his two best friends to try our his new title, but will he be able to cope with the British aristocracy?
What Every Woman Wants
Young couple Mark and Jane are forced to thrash out marital problems in a borrowed room in Jane’s parents’ tiny house. Meanwhile, Jane’s cousin, Jim - back from the war in Korea - and Mark’s involvement in left-wing politics place further strain on the relationship. Can grandfather help?