Alena Mikhaylina


Atakan es una roca ensangrentada, un bloque de granito gigante, en el que los paganos sacrificaron sacrificios humanos durante siglos. Un grupo de estudiantes historiadores, dirigido por un joven maestro, desciende a las mazmorras de San Petersburgo para encontrar la legendaria piedra. Con cada paso, la situación se sale de control, solo les espera la muerte. El ataque anhela sangre nueva. ¿Quién sobrevivirá?
Camera Operator
In the Apocalypse of John, there is such a thing as warmth. Being angry with the Laodicean church, the Lord reproaches: “I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. ” Cold, that is, a sinner who denies or arguing with God, is not hopeless, he can come to salvation through repentance, but a warm, spiritually smoldering person who does not believe in ritual following his heart - such a person is against God. Punk is always a choice of two extremes. Or drink till you drop - or become an invete sober person. Hot or cold. But never warm. The heroes of the film are three generations of Russian punks - from “Automatic Satisfiers” to “Pornofilm”.