Ignacia Baeza

Ignacia Baeza


Ignacia Baeza


Vidas recicladas
Customer 1
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Pinochet Boys
In the '80s, Tito, a 17 year old boy, faces a difficult choice: leave school and follow the road to university or front his past and take on a battle against the dictatorship. Motivated by Cecilia, who he secretly loves, and his father, Tito passes from an adolescence without worries to the responsibility of taking justice into his own hand. Integrity mixed with commitment, will crossed by want, fear associated with the pleasure of adrenaline, the reasons behind the violence, are the contradictions of Tito and his friends. In the end, Tito and his opponent Ricardo, a police officer who he knows since childhood, end up facing each other in a terrifying game. The type of game in which nobody wins.
Se arrienda
Argentine Waitress
Hace 15 años, el músico Gastón Fernández (Luciano Cruz Coke) se plantaba frente a un futuro brillante junto a su grupo de amigos, entre ellos su socio Julián Balbo (Felipe Braun), y su novia, Cordelia (Ignacia Allamand). Quince años después, el destino y las opciones de vida los han separado. El país ha cambiado. Mientras Cordelia, Balbo y muchos de sus amigos disfrutan del éxito y el 'nuevo Chile', Gastón se encuentra frustrado ante el éxito artístico que nunca llegó. Gastón se verá obligado a elegir entre continuar esperando un porvenir artístico, sumido en la pobreza o trabajando con su padre. La aparición de Elisa (Francisca Lewin), una joven encantadora y sorprendente, y Pancho (Diego Casanueva), un intenso joven con una historia sorprendente, le enseñarán que la vida no es tan dura como parece.