Steevens Benjamin

Steevens Benjamin

Nacimiento : , Haiti


Steevens Benjamin is a Haitian actor and model based in Chile. He made his acting debut on stage, in Trabajo Sucio (2015), a production of Teatro La Memoria. He made his screen debut in Juan Cáceres “La duda”, then went on to star in “Ali” and launch a modeling career, working with international brands such as H&M, Moschino, and Zoo York. Perro Bomba, which world-premiered at Miami Film Festival.


Steevens Benjamin
Steevens Benjamin


Historia y Geografía
Gioconda Martínez, a well-remembered comic television actress, decided to return to her hometown to stage a play about the conquest of Chile, which will allow her to regain the artistic recognition she thought she had lost but never had.
Jean is a young Haitian man who works doing house duties for a wealthy household, but his wishes for a quiet and dignified job become interrupted when his boss starts sexually abusing him. Jean will have to decide whether to quit his job and renounce the income to support his family or keep enduring the assaults.
Martin y Charly pasan el tiempo haciendo música rap. Una noche encuentran un arma cargada en las orillas de un cerro. Mientras, Sol pierde a su perra. Aunque aparentemente inconexas, estas historias están íntimamente ligadas, formando el retrato de jóvenes chilenos en su difícil paso a la adultez.
Perro bomba
Un joven inmigrante haitiano afincado en Santiago de Chile, verá sacudido el equilibrio de su vida tras una serie de acontecimientos inesperados que alimentarán unas profundas reacciones racistas en su entorno.
Chile, 2038. Revival is the technology of fashion. A virtual reality device that allows people to relive moments of their past, as if they were living it again. Émile, a young Haitian who is collecting money to bring his mother from Haiti, discovers that someone from his job in a vineyard is interfering with his memories in his revival. Searching for answers, Émile discovers the disturbing truth that was hidden.
Un migrante haitiano lucha por traer a su hijo a Chile desde su tierra natal. Trabaja como camarero en un restaurante donde debe soportar la petulancia de su compañero Hugo y la constante discriminación de su jefe; él aspira a ser chef, para poder garantizar su sueño y reunirse con su familia una vez más.
La duda
Junior is a young Haitian who lives in Chile. After a fight at his job, Junior is harassed by his boss. At home, Junior doubts about his masculinity.