Natalya Tapkova


Circumstances of Place and Time
What binds a person to a certain place on Earth? What lets him say, “I'm from here, and this is my land?” What’s setting the boundaries of our existence? The film immerses us in the daily life of a village near Moscow, where local old-timers live side by side with immigrants from Tajikistan. How do the fences arise, then are destroyed and arise once again between cultures and people?
Mesto na zemle (A Place on Earth)
De entre los abandonados a su suerte por el declive del imperio soviético, seis parejas se instalan para vivir comunitariamente en pleno centro de Moscú. La idea es crear un pequeño paraíso marginal reunido solidariamente bajo un líder carismático y adherido a los postulados hippies más ortodoxos. La buena voluntad inicial se enfrenta a la escasez de recursos, al individualismo y a la dura represión policial.