Leslie Steel
In the nearest future, the Catholic Church learnt how to resurrect people. The whole process is kept secret and follows strict rules: only sinless believers under the age of 65 can be resurrected. The film is set on the computer of Stanley, an on-line church priest who helps those who were brought back to life. He is divorced and his son lives with his ex-wife, so he can chat with him only on-line. Stanley's son was the first person to be resurrected after he died in a car accident that Stanley caused. Soon Stanley learns that there is a huge conspiracy behind the resurrection process.
Killian Maddox lives with his ailing veteran grandfather, obsessively working out between court-mandated therapy appointments and part-time shifts at a grocery store where he harbors a crush on a friendly cashier. Though Killian’s struggles to read social cues and maintain control of his volatile temper amplify his sense of disconnection amid a hostile world, nothing deters him from his fiercely protected dream of bodybuilding superstardom, not even the doctors who warn that he’s causing permanent damage to his body with his quest.
News Anchor Cindy
Aislado en su ático austero con vistas a Central Park, el obsesivo analista de datos de Wall Street, Richard Boca, ve patrones siniestros. Sus modelos informáticos se comportan de forma errática, al igual que los enjambres de mosquitos que se reproducen en su apartamento, una plaga que acompaña a su colapso psicológico.
News Reporter
Sexta entrega de la saga 'Transformers', esta vez centrada en el "hermano pequeño" de los Autobots, Bumblebee. Tratando de escapar, en el año 1987, Bumblebee encuentra refugio en un depósito de chatarra en una pequeña ciudad en la costa Californiana. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), a punto de cumplir 18 años y tratando de encontrar su lugar en el mundo, descubre a Bumblebee, dañado durante una batalla y descompuesto. Cuando Charlie lo revive, aprende rápidamente que éste no es un VW amarillo ordinario.
Newscaster / Radio Show Host
Kimberly, una adolescente con agorafobia, no ha salido de casa desde el asesinato sin resolver de su madre. El día antes de Acción de Gracias Kimberly empieza a sospechar que está en peligro.