All over the world, millions of children have one thing in common with their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents: they have all watched "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", "Bambi" or "Peter Pan", and discovered Walt Disney's view on nature, family, friendship, courage, wickedness or death. But who was this man who affirmed that in order to achieve something extraordinary, one must begin by dreaming it? Portrait of this creator and entrepreneur, who often put himself on stage, in the course of a journey through the meanders of history and the unconscious.
En abril de 2019, un incendio masivo arrasó Notre-Dame de París, dejándola al borde del colapso. Mucho antes de que se extinguiera la última brasa, los franceses prometieron reconstruir su amada catedral, que ha sido el corazón de la cultura francesa durante casi 900 años. La tarea en cuestión es enorme y los que se enfrentan a la restauración no tienen idea de a qué se enfrentan. En esta presentación especial con acceso exclusivo, entramos en los escombros con los héroes que arriesgan sus vidas para estabilizar lo que queda de Notre-Dame para que pueda recuperar su antigua gloria.
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.