Marie Credou


La plus belle pour aller danser
Marie-Luce Bison, 14 years old, is raised by her father in a cheerful boarding house for seniors where he is the director. It is soon the costume party of her new college: her father does not want her to go ... and anyway, she is not invited. But pushed by Albert, her 80-year-old best friend, Marie-Luce crashes the party, dressed as a man. That evening, everyone takes her for a boy... a boy who is looked at and who pleases. She then decides to invent a male double named Leo to finally live her teenage life. Of course, at home, the relationship with her father becomes complicated.
A Cat's Life
Costume Design
Sur les chemins noirs
Costume Design
Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, travels regularly through the world. Someday, climbing a hotel frontage while drunk, he falls from high and into a deep coma. When he awakes, he has difficulties walking but, against everyone's advices, he decides to walk through France, following forgotten pathways...
Astérix y Obélix: El reino medio
Un carro llega a la aldea de Astérix y Obélix, llevando a la emperatriz china Fu Yi. Ella vino a pedir ayuda después de la toma del poder por un tal Deng Tsin Qin, que derrocó a la princesa. Al parecer, la fama de los indomables galos se conoce hasta Shanghai...
El secreto de Vicky
Costume Design
Stéphane decide mudarse a una bonita región montañosa del centro de Francia para retomar la relación con su hija de 8 años, Victoria, que ha perdido el habla desde que murió su madre. Durante un paseo por el bosque, un pastor le regala a la niña un cachorro llamado "Mystère". Con este regalo, la niña empieza a abrirse al exterior. Pero, en seguida, Stéphane descubre que el cachorro es en realidad un lobo...A pesar de las advertencias y del peligro de la situación, a Stéphane no le queda más remedio que separar a su hija de esta bola de pelo, en apariencia inofensiva.
The Nine Billion Names of God