Ruben Rodriguez


The Death of April
Meagan Mullen, freshly moved in her new home, keeps in touch with her friends and family through a video blog. As her entries (and her life) become more complex and emotional, strange things begin to happen in her room and the camera captures all of it.
The Death of April
Meagan Mullen, freshly moved in her new home, keeps in touch with her friends and family through a video blog. As her entries (and her life) become more complex and emotional, strange things begin to happen in her room and the camera captures all of it.
Charlotte: The Return
More shorts rounded up from festivals and hosted by a barely animated doll.
Strange Events 2
Una serie de misterios suceden en un bosque y nadie está a salvo.
The Invoking 3: Paranormal Dimensions
En The Invoking: Paranormal Dimensions, cientos de inquietantes sucesos paranormales ocurren cada año. La mayoría de estos aterradores encuentros no se reportan… hasta ahora.