Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in the world outside. There little Tom Thumb meets the Wind Mother, Forest Mother and a little old man on his way. Each of them gives him a chore to do that earns him a gift with magical power, which comes in handy when he has to defeat Scrooges, Lop-Eared Man and the Devil himself. While traveling in the world and looking for happiness, he realises he misses his grandmother and little sister...
En el invierno de 1942 durante la ocupación nazi de Rusia en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los guerrilleros partisanos, dirigidos por Ivan Lokotkov, han capturado a un soldado alemán. Lazarev, les cuenta que él era un sargento en el ejército rojo antes de ser obligado por los nazis a servir a Alemania, pero muchos de sus captores quieren ejecutarle. El teniente Erofeyich, más comprensivo, quiere conseguir recuperar a Lazarev para la lucha. Lazarev no es ejecutado, sino que por el contrario le dan una ocasión de probar su lealtad; tiene que ir de nuevo al ferrocarril controlado por los nazis, donde todo el mundo le conoce, y secuestrar un tren con los suministros y alimentos.
Latvian friends are helping to Estonian rock group to participate in the music competition.
The colourful musical comedy Maritime Climates could have been a triumph of smart political satire – if people in positions of power hadn’t got worried by the rushes they saw, which lead them to terminate the production. In 1992, Rolands Kalniņš made this edit of the remaining material – an elegy to lost hopes and illusions.
The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.
Soviet spy Ladeynikov learns that in one of the pharmaceutical centers in a small resort town works a former German war criminal Dr. Hass, who is finishing the creation of a deadly chemical gas RH development of which he began during WW2 experimenting on war prisoners. Since Ladeynikov doesn't know Dr. Hass's appearance, Soviet intelligence recruits an actor, Ivan Savushkin, who during the war escaped from a prison camp where Hass was testing his gas. Together they must identify and stop him before he finishes and unleashes his weapon of mass destruction.
youth brigade member
Svetlana, young pretty girl, works as a trolleybus driver in a small town and almost all her permanent passengers are at least a little bit in love with her.