Alexander Bellizia


All Must Die
Dialogue Editor
Gina who is about to get married, when her friends “kidnap” her for a last all-out bachelorette party. Dressed in red latex and all on her own in the Norwegian woods, Gina has to complete a creepy game of challenges. But what starts off as fun soon turns seriously weird, when disturbing events start occurring. Is it part of the planning – or is Gina about to lose her grip of reality?
Un océano entre nosotros
Sound Editor
Biopic sobre Donald Crowhurst, veterano de la Real Fuerza Aérea Británica y navegante aficionado, que decidió participar en 1968 en la Golden Globe Race, una competición que consistía en circunnavegar alrededor del mundo sin paradas, para obtener un suculento premio y sanear sus finanzas. Pero las cosas no le fueron bien y optó por engañar a los organizadores del evento sobre cuál era su verdadera posición.
The Dextape
Sound Mixer
Dex and Fab, two infamous hosts from the international travel show Dexpedition, accidentally leak an explicit tape revealing unlawful behaviour at their house warming party in Los Angeles. After the video goes viral their promising route to international stardom comes to an immediate hault. Realizing their careers are on the brink of extinction they move back to Norway in an attempt to kickstart their fame in anyway they can.
The Dextape
Sound Designer
Dex and Fab, two infamous hosts from the international travel show Dexpedition, accidentally leak an explicit tape revealing unlawful behaviour at their house warming party in Los Angeles. After the video goes viral their promising route to international stardom comes to an immediate hault. Realizing their careers are on the brink of extinction they move back to Norway in an attempt to kickstart their fame in anyway they can.